Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
Yes indeed, I walked 100 miles from January 1st to April 1st. I walked the final 2 miles on Saturday by going to the river with Dale and Dixie.
There were many times when I felt like I couldn’t do this. 100 miles is a lot, especially for someone like me who doesn’t like to exercise. But every time I felt like quitting I imagined what it would be like to have to tell you all that I didn’t do it. And then I imagined how great it would be to tell you that I did do it. The overachiever in me won out every time. I want to thank all of you for your encouragement and support. I really felt like you guys were walking right along with me and that helped more than I can say.
The Runagogo blog is continuing and people are signing up to walk another 100 miles in the next 3 months. I’m not going to do that. Don’t look at me like that – I’m not going to stop exercising. But what I am going to do is change my routine a bit. I know from personal experience that if I want to lose weight I’ve got to use the weight training equipment. And there’s only so much time in a day, people. I am not willing to spend 50 minutes on the treadmill and then another 30 minutes on the weight circuit. So, I am going to drop back the treadmill to 20 minutes and add 30 minutes of weight lifting. I think I’ll be in better shape in three months even if I haven’t walked another 100 miles. I’m counting on you guys for encouragement and support.
In the meantime . . . cue the Rocky theme music.
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Kudos to you! What an accomplishment!
Congratulations, Carole & Toe!
Lifting weights is the way to go. Muscle mass burns more calories at rest than fat does, so you will lose weight faster even tho you have cut back on your walking. Another tip, if you are doing most of your walking on a treadmill, make it really steep to give you a vigorous cardio workout at a walking pace. Who says you have to hurt to lose weight!?
Congrats on making the 100 miles in your set time that is not an easy thing to do… and consider me part of your cheering section for the next 3 months!!!!!!
Good job! I think you are right about adding weights and know I need to do the same… a little too much unneeded winter padding is still with me. Good luck continuing the shape-up plan!
YEAH FOR YOU! Nicely executed! I totally failed at that little endeavor myself, so I’m very impressed that you finished it.
KickASS Carole! I’m super proud of you.
Never doubted you! Nice job:)
Congrats on the achievement! I didn’t make it, but I am going to try again for more movement and not just “mileage”, but also weight lifting because that does make a huge difference for me in weight loss. Thanks for the reminder of things I already know, it’s helping me to focus.
Congrats! I am so impressed.
Proud of you!!!! That is a great accomplishment for someone who doesn’t like to exercise!!!
I’m so proud of you for hanging in there and finishing this! Great job!!
Awesome! Congrats on making it! And I think your need for variety is a good thing.
Congratulations! That is a major achievement.