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Lucky Me!

I have been a very lucky blogger lately, winning prizes just about everywhere. Okay, not everywhere. But enough that I need to tell you about my prezzies.

First up:


ALL of this yarn was a gift from my grrlfriends over at kpixie. Missa and Jessica take really good care of me. And you guys know that kpixie is right in my own town, right? Plus, Hannah is BFF with Jessica’s daughter. So, when Hannah was over there the other day she came home with a big bag of yarn just for ME. There’s yummy sock yarn in Easter-y colors and there’s cotton and stitch markers and cool scissors and notions, too. Thanks. you grrls rock!

Next we have:


This basket of lovelies came from Anne. She had a contest to celebrate her newly opened shop, Wooly Wonka Fibers (don’t you just love that name) and I won $25 worth of stuff. The coolest part – I got to choose the stuff myself! So there’s a bit of yarn and quite a bit of roving. Ahem. I may have sent her some of my own money as this added up to a wee bit more than my allowance. And those new chocolate covered Altoids and hand lotions and wool wash, too. Thanks so much, Anne!



I won Scout’s preppy contest. Good thing, too, since I subjected myself to public humiliation by posting all those old college photos. Heh. Not only did Scout send me the oh-so-preppy yarn that she dyed but she also tossed in a yarn ball keychain – just because I mentioned that I liked it. Speaking of Scout, did you see her on Knitty Gritty this past Monday? She was absolutely fabulous!

I rarely win anything in “real” life so I feel very lucky indeed to be the winner of all these wonderful goodies. Just please don’t hate me because I’m beautiful lucky.

Comments (45)

  1. I think you hit what they call the “mother load”. 🙂 I keep meaning to order from KPixie— maybe I’ll wander over today…

  2. Can’t hate you for it but grrl, you shouldn’t enter any more contests. Someone else should have a chance!
    Love the prezzies. You are lucky!

  3. You are both lucky AND beautiful! I think you need to go buy a lottery ticket.

    Great loot you got there 🙂

  4. Touch me please (maybe a bit of your good luck will rub off)! That stuff on the very top (the purpley lavender) of the kpixie pile is beyond beautiful. Enjoy!

  5. Nice haul!

    I did see Scout but I was disappointed they didn’t show how to wrap the yarn onto the warping board and how to get it into the skein form (well they showed the easy variegated one but not the fussy self-striping one that I really needed to see). I thought she did a fab job with all the rest though, very camera friendly.

  6. Welcome! You won’t need to buy any fiber supplies if you keep winning such great prizes and free gifties! 🙂

  7. All those beautiful colors! Sort of gives you Spring where Mother Nature is refusing to provide, doesn’t it?

  8. I saw those preppy pictures, don’t let the “lucky” thing fool you, you EARNED that one. Congrats.

  9. Oh, that preppy yarn! 🙂 Love it! You’re a lucky duck, that’s for sure.

    And I had no idea that kpixie was local! Wow.

  10. I think Hannah needs to go visiting more often. ;^)

    It’s so nice to see good things happen to good beautiful talented peoples.

  11. Last week everywhere I LOOKED it said Carole was a winner! I thought, Noooo… couldn’t be the same one… every. time. I think there was some kind of karmic star alignment with the moon and the sun and the tides and the way you looked in that Civil War get-up! hehe Maybe it’s your reward for getting 100 miles in the RunAGoGo!? 🙂

  12. I won’t hate you, but I have to admit to being green with envy! Couldn’t happen to a nicer person though, so I’ll be happy for you!!

  13. Nice haul! I missed Scout’s TV appearance, but I did love your preppy pictures (reminds me of my best friend’s sister, although I don’t remember seeing your Docksiders or Bluchers). You deserved the win!

  14. Yay! You got a great picture of it. Did you know that John, aka Yarn Ball Boogie, is on Knitty Gritty tomorrow?!? (who made the keychain)

  15. lucky indeed – so much yarn, so little time.
    what fabulous additions – I wouldn’t even know where to begin with all that beauty laying around 🙂

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