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Things That Make Me Go Hmmm

~I’m thrilled that you all enjoy the posts about our reenacting adventures. They are easy to write and it’s fun to share this stuff with you guys. For those of you in our area, we’ve got a full scale reenactment coming up at Borderland State Park on the weekend of June 16-17 and you’re welcome to come and visit.

~Look at what Birdsong sent me for the Jeep. Isn’t she wonderful? This wasn’t for winning a contest or anything it was just because she lurves me. I think that’s pretty terrific. Anyway, I’ve named her Hattie and she swings and sways to the music. Yesterday she was really grooving to “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown.” No need to thank me for the ear worm. Heh.

~Has anyone read The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian? I’d love to have a conversation or two about this one. And while we’re talking about Mr. Bohjalian, I had the good fortune to hear him speak and then meet him in person at a library conference a few years ago. He’s extremely intelligent and quite personable and I’ve truly enjoyed all of his books.

~I’ve decided that spring really is my favorite season. For years I tried to make myself love fall the best because it was my mother’s favorite season and I thought I should feel the same. (We won’t even talk about the issues that are tied up in that statement.) This year, though, I’ve allowed myself to truly recognize that I love spring. The trees, the flowers, the cool mornings and warm afternoons, the hint of summer that’s in the air – I love it all.

~I’m a little concerned that the only thing I seem capable of knitting these days is socks. I really ought to consider a sweater or a hat or a shawl or something. It’s time to challenge myself again, I think.

~We had steamers the other night. They were given to some friends but there were too many for them to eat so they brought a bag full over to our house. Dale and Hannah and I scarfed them down and they were fabulous. Sweet and fresh and absolutely delicious. I started to take a picture for the blog but then I looked at them. They’re kind of gross and not really deserving of a photo. Good thing they taste better than they look.

And that concludes this week’s Hmmm report.

This Post Has 45 Comments

  1. Love Hattie. I love Spring for sure- and the photo of the the maple leaves. It’s ineresting how soft and malleable the brand new leaves are- kind of like a bats wings.

  2. I can never decide if I like spring or fall better. Every spring I love the color that comes back into the landscape, the soft green leaves on the trees, the warm breezes. But every fall I find so many things to enjoy also: the oranges and yellows of the changing leaves, the cool nights after the summer, the smells in the air. It’s too tough to make a choice. I’m just glad I live in New England and can experience the seasons.

  3. Funny-I always feel like I should like Spring more— the whole renewal and life thing. But, honestly, fall is more “me” and the renewal thing kicks in with me– in the fall, I NEED to buy new clothes (i.e. school clothes) and it feels like a fresh start. I think I am going to be on an academic “calendar” my entire life. 🙂

    Love Hattie…I’m singing like a crazy woman today! 🙂

  4. I love the flowers of spring…the colors seem so vibrant after winters gray and white…but I really love to hear the birds.
    Oh yes…only socks. I hear you. Socks do become addicting and they’re easy, fun and colorful.
    Hattie is way cool.

  5. Steamers? I’ve tried guessing what that might be, to no avail. Let’s see – it’s too early for corn on the cob, and you boil crawfish. What do you steam? Inquiring minds want to know. (Or perhaps, if the food looks that gross, we don’t want to know. Use your own discretion.)

  6. Spring is a delightful season! But I’ve come to the conclusion that I love each season (well, except maybe not mud season)and the constancy of changing seasons is what keeps me in New England. I’ve lived long enough in other non-seasonal locations to get bored with the sameness, even beautiful Monterey, CA.

  7. I like spring best too. After the long gray winter the little bits of green that mark the start of spring make me feel so hopeful and then when the days get longer all seems fresh and new. Wasn’t yesterday beautiful!
    Hattie looks so at home on your dashboard.
    I’ve been in a sock groove myself lately but I’ve been thinking about a sweater.

  8. Spring and Fall are both wonderful because of the colors associated with them and the events that occur but Spring has the advantage due to the strong feelings of promise and renewal that are inescapable. Sorry – that was a little sappy. Mostly, I prefer Spring because I love the flowers and being able to hang my jacket up.

  9. Uhhmm… something wrong with socks?? (holding a fist full of singles behind my back)

    What a thoughtful and sweet gift from Birdsong. Those are the best kind of gifts and the best kind of friends. 🙂

    I sure WISH I could be there for your reenactment but you know… I’ve gotta go to Estes that weekend. *snap* hehe

  10. Spring is definitely my favorite. Renewal after the doldrums of winter. What’s not to love? I’m jealous of the steamers. They sound so yummy! I’m a total seafood addict.

  11. That is the most brutal of ear worms. I love the noise of the birds in the spring. And the breeze in the morning.

  12. Being in a sock rut sounds pretty good. It’s got to be better than being in a dishcloth or hat rut like me. 🙂

  13. I’m reading “Before You Know Kindness” now and loving it – I’ll find “Double Bind” after this based on you rec!

  14. I am SO with you on spring… the pale greens popping out everywhere are probably my favorite color, and then there are all the flowers. Things are still new and not touched by the browns and fading that summer starts bringing to our climate by June. Happy Spring, and glad that Hattie is swinging for you… wait till you see what she can do off-road!

  15. I say there is nothing wrong with socks! That said, I’m really itching to get back to Sahara 🙂

    As a Midwesterner by birth who has spent practically no time out east, what are steamers? I know what they are here, but the don’t fit your description 🙂

  16. Spring is my favorite season too. I love seeing color again after all that brown and grey for so long. And I love it when the temperatures are not cold and not hot. Spring is perfect.

  17. What a perfect present for your jeep!

    Spring is my favorite too with fall coming in at close second. I like these two seasons because they are not warm or to cold. The perfect weather to wear a light sweater and go for long walks.

  18. Oh Carole, you’re killing me over here. There’s nothing I love like a bucket o’ steamers and lots of melted buttah to dunk them in. YUM!

    Spring and fall: why choose? I love them both. Spring makes me happier, though–fall tends to make me a little wistful. But I’ll take either season over summer, which everyone else except me seems to love. I guess once you become an adult, and your office doesn’t shut down from June to September, summer loses much of its appeal. 😉

  19. i’m always on the fence about spring. right now my eyes are all puffy and i’m sneezing and itchy all over. and if i take allergy meds i might as well just go to bed.

    and although this week has been lovely, it can so easily go bad — with rain or worse — intense heat.

    but i’m glad that you’ve come clean about your favorite 😉

  20. I like fall best myself, and MY mom liked spring! (We can swap moms for right now.) I don’t know what steamers are, but I suspect they’re some mollusky thing, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you didn’t show a picture. (I’d love to know the thought process for the first person who ate one: “Hmmm, this looks like something I only see when I’m sick. I think I’ll eat it.” Shudder.)

  21. Hey, nothing wrong with socks! I love fall – lately it seems like we barely have a spring anymore. A lot of cold rainy weather and then it’s summer. Maybe it will be different this year.

  22. I have to admit that I am an Autumn girl myself, but Spring is pretty nice too, especially when we get a real spring up here :-).

    I’m stuck in a sock loop right now too, but I’m enjoying it. I think I may even surpass my sock goal for the year 🙂

    Steamers……ewwww! My older kids adore them, but the only thing I can say is eww and double ewww!

  23. I haven’t read The Double Bind, but thanks for those links. I loved Midwives and I’m putting the rest of his books on my summer reading list!

  24. I agree with Maryse. Plus spring, like the month of March, is squishy. Then it gets hot.

    I feel ya on the socks. I need to do something else. I don’t want to burn out before our summer of socks begins.

  25. Spring is my favorite time of year, too. After the long, dreary winter months, watching everything come alive again makes me so happy. The flowers blooming, the birds singing…oh, it’s wonderful!

    As for the sock knitting, keep at it. What the heck do you need a sweater or hat for this time of year, anyhow? 😉 Of course, wool socks aren’t really needed either, but at least they’re small and don’t weigh heavily on your lap in the heat of the summer.

  26. Love that Hattie! I wonder if we should get her together with our dashboard Buddha.

    I love spring too. It has the flowers, the warmth, the return of the light, and all the sexiest holidays. Want to discuss mother issues? I can do that, but… let’s not and say we did.

    As for socks, why, pray tell, is this a cause for concern? Knit what you want, and enjoy the spring.

  27. I was thinking just today how much of a miracle spring is. And though fall is (or has been) my favorite season, I realize how grateful I am that life returns each spring. I had to lay off the steamahs for a few years after I dissected them on the kitchen table. But they sure are yummy! So now I just don’t spend a lot of time examining them.

  28. Thanks for mentioning the book…I just did a little snooping online and it looks like it’ll be right up my alley. And just so you know you’re not alone, I’ve been having the same thoughts in relation to socks and needing a challenge. Just can’t decide on the challenge yet!

  29. Hattie is a cutie!

    I love spring too! We don’t have fall here and our winter is short lived (altho the “winter” is the perfect time to live in Florida – no humidity, cool, clear blue skies – perfection!) but we do have spring! I can see the buds on all the trees and the calves frolicking with their cow moms in the nearby fields and I can smell the summer soon to be…

    Hunny, knit what you love – don’t “should” yourself…if socks make you happy there are always feet yearning for the bliss of hand knit socks including your own!

  30. Yummmmm! Steamers, good thing my son (all 6 feet of him) wasn’t around. That sack wouldn’t have gone very far with him at the table. As a 3 yr old he could down 2 dozen with no problem.

    And as for socks, I see nothing wrong with them and neither does any one in my family. In fact, I have 3 orders in the que right now, and that doesn’t include any summer socks for me!

    Of course, I also have 2 sweaters and, come fall, the usual replenishment of grandchildren’s hats and mittens.

  31. while i love spring for the flowers…i hate the allergies for my family. everyone is miserable. fun post. is this a new trend?

  32. while i love spring for the flowers…i hate the allergies for my family. everyone is miserable. fun post. is this a new trend?

  33. Steamers? I have no idea what that is. Spring would be my favorite season if it weren’t for the reminder that it means summer will soon be here. Summer in northeast Texas is hot and humid. Still, I do love the new growth, and especially all the baby birds making their appearance in my yard, this time of year.

  34. mmmm…steamers…

    RR is out in Newton working today – he just called to tell me that it’s like another world out there Spring-wise. Flowers, leaves, the whole shebang. While I like this season a lot, Fall is my fav.

    If socks make you happy…knit socks. Find a challenging sock pattern if you need a challenge but don’t force yourself to knit a sweater just because you feel like you ‘should’…you know?

  35. Before You Know Kindness is sitting on the top of my TBR pile next to the bed even as I type. I read Midwives, of course, and then one of my book groups read Trans-Sister Radio. Now THAT is a book and a half — read it when you have a chance, if you haven’t already.

    Whatever season is coming upon us at any given moment is my favorite, except winter, which I like best during the coldest and snowiest parts. Yeah, I’m weird, so?

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