Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
Things That Make Me Go Hmmm
~Kristi is editing the next edition of Yarnival. She’s looking for entries, particularly ones about fiber festivals, so go on and submit something for her to consider, won’t you?
~I spun a few more silk hankies and then wound the singles into a center pull ball and then plyed them on the Lendrum. Is it cheating to ply spindle spun singles on a wheel? It’s a very tiny skein but it’s my first ever silk and I’m damned proud of it.
~Have you contributed to Claudia’s Ride yet? There are some great yarn-y and fiber-y prizes to be had, not to mention the over all good feeling you get by supporting such a worthwhile cause. Go on, you know you’ve been meaning to get to it.
~Erin has two new colorways inspired by my Eye Candy Friday photos! One is Lilacs:
And the other is Daffodils:
I think they’re gorgeous and I’m thrilled to have provided Erin with the inspiration for these yarns. Are you going to buy some? Tell her Carole sent you and you’ll get a special discount.
~Remember the Mad Weave socks from Sock Madness that you all liked so much? The pattern is now available for free at Tina’s blog. Speaking of Sock Madness, I won’t be competing in Round Two. Instead, I’ll be co-hosting with Hillary. Squee!
~Speaking of worthwhile causes, I knit four squares for the Rebuilding Greensburg project. Lois knit a square, too, and the five of them are winging their way to Laura as we speak. Err, write. Err, read. Whatever, I’ve mailed them. There’s plenty of time for you to knit and mail a square, too. Just saying.
Comments (44)
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Your silk yarn is so pretty! What are you going to knit with it?
Beautiful silk spinning! Love the sock yarns!
You silk looks fabulous! The Carole’s Eye Candy yarn is gorgeous, too. I’ll be handing my squares to Laura IN PERSON next month, just sayin’;-)
I forget how far behind I get on dial up. I love the bag. Grreat job on the lining. It is so rewarding when you can find something in your stash, whatever kind it is, that matches.
On silk… fun though, huh?
Nice job on the silk! I don’t think plying with a wheel is cheating–it’s still handspun, however you look at it.
Beautiful new colourways, and your silk yarn looks great too.
I don’t think it’s cheating at all to ply spindle spun singles on a wheel. It’s what all the grown-ups co.
Yay! Thanks for the sock link!
The silk yarn is gorgeous!
How cool to have inspired Erin to create such beautiful yarn; I may have to get some. (Who am I kidding; I DEFINITELY have to get some.)
Four squares – way to go. I haven’t knit any yet, but definitely plan to. Thanks for the reminder 🙂
Oh excellent! How cool to have inspired colorways!
Bummer, she’s already sold out of your yarns 🙁
Thanks for the link to that pattern – it will be #8 that I try for my SockPal! Maybe the 8th time is the charm?
Love the hankies yarn – looks so shimmery!
Your silk looks yummy and the daffodil and lilac colorways are really gorgeous. But what intrigued me most was the ring on your thumb!!Tres chic!
You should be dayum proud – that silk is gorgeous. Now, um.. when does Sock Madness Round 2 insanity…er… competition start?
That’s some awesome spindle spinning Carole of those silk hankies! Erin sold out of the above yarns, but I bought a skein in another.
The silk looks great.
Pretty pretty Silk Spinning! Pretty pretty Yarn Colorways! Pretty pretty Squares!! Hooray for squares!! I love you ya know Carole. Thanks so much for helping with the project. 🙂
I think wheel plying the spindle spun yarn is genius! Have you ever tried plying from a nostepinne? And I like your ring….I have the same one!
Those are lovely colorways you have inspired this spring! Your silk has inspired me to add another purchase (silk hankies) to my festival shopping list. I did the reverse recently and spun singles on the wheel then plied with a spindle because all of the bobbins were full… good thing we are tool-using animals:)
OMG OMG OMG! Lookit you go! 😀 😀
And no, plying spindle spun on a wheel is not cheating.
Silk! On a spindle!
Thanks for the Rebuilding link!
Ha! I’ve done the opposite–spun on a wheel and plied the singles with a spindle. 😉
You’re making me want to play with silk now…
Hmmmmm, gorgeous silk, Carole! Now, are you wonderin why you’ve waiting to long??? 😉
Thanks for the Yarnival shout out!
Thanks for the shout-out!
Gorgeous colors and the silk is beyond fabulous.
I’m mailing my six squares to Laura today (plus a little surprise for undertaking such a huge project – since she’s already commented, hopefully it’ll still be a surprise!). I still have a silk hankie in my stash that I may need to spin soon – yours is so pretty!
The silk looks gorgeous! And I love those yarns in your eye candy friday inspired colorways–so pretty.
I’ve knit a square for the greensburg project and plan to do more. I think I’m going to wait until I have a few done, then send them in.
The silk is gorgeous!! It’s so tiny and cute. Was it much different to spin than wool?
Are you sure you’re not doing Eye Candy Friday a day early?
I woke up late this morning…eewww…your title for me would be “things that me go droool”. Just gorgeous & who CAN resist helping out? You so good!
Your silk is beautiful!
Hi Carole! Thanks so much for recommending my Mad Weave socks, you’re so kind. I can’t wait until SMII – are you ready for the whirlwind? 😉
Your silk looks great. I really love spinning silk.
Congrats on the Sock Madness gig and thanks for the pattern link!
So much goodness in this post! You are so good at spreading the word!
Pretty pretty silk! And thanks for linking to the Madweave sock pattern — I love it!
I LOVE the colorways you inspired! So pretty!
I LOVE the colorways you inspired! So pretty!
love the silk! Congrats!!
You did a great job with your silk hankies. Very pretty!
I love Erin’s dandelion colorway….very nice! Your silk spinning looks pretty nice too!
Your spun silk yarn is beautiful. Congratulations!
wow, i just LOVE the “carole” colors!
The silk is impressive. You don’t just talk the talk.