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Pow Wow

On Sunday Dale and I went to a the annual Spring Planting Moon American Pow Wow at the Marshfield Fairgrounds. There was food to eat and crafts to buy but the highlight of a day like this is the dancing.




Dale and I were content to watch these men and women dance for the better part of the afternoon. If you get a chance to go to something like this, I really recommend it.

Okay, back to vacation.

Comments (27)

  1. It is so fascinating to watch the dances. I love all the feathers and such. Hoop dancers are also amazing. What a fun way to spend a day!

  2. I’ve been out to Taos a number of times, but the best dances were at Christmas. It was gorgeous. Did they have Fry Bread? Mmmm, fry bread.

  3. They have something similar here in July. But it is always so hot hardly anyone shows up. I feel bad for the participants. They put all that effort into it and hardly anyone is there.

  4. Used to see weekly dances and attended cool celebrations when I lived on the Navajo reservation in AZ – miss them so – thanks for the pics to remind me.

  5. ate, right? Get your fill of fry bread? I can share my fry bread recipe if your interested. My father in law loves my recipe more than his own and says its closer to his moms (mines a tad on the sweeter side)
    Powwows are always a blast. We miss going to the ones back in Wisconsin.

  6. Will you adopt me – or could we just come live with you! You guys have the coolest stuff all around you! Alas, I shall just live vacariously through your blog life!

  7. The dance costumes have always impressed me, but then so have the Indian Tacos we can get at fairs around here. Have a swell vacation!

  8. I have been to a Pow Wow before, it is very cool! I’m glad you were able to go and enjoy. The dancing is my favorite part too 🙂

  9. Cape Cod vacation! I am so jealous. Go to 4 Seas Ice Cream in Centerville and have a chocolate ice cream soda for me! I have fantasies about that place!

  10. And to think that in the late 70’s our Native Americans could not do dances like this.. thank goodness we’ve awakened to this wonderful dance.
    Have a great vacation.

  11. The problem is the Plains dances are taking over the Powwows for the tourists so the individual celebrations are lost. Or not shared publicly.

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