Exciting Times

On Friday Laura emailed me and told me to have a good weekend. She also said that she always looks forward to hearing about my weekend adventures because I do such exciting things. This weekend’s excitement was our church picnic. What? You don’t think that’s exciting?


There was a wheel barrel race and a bubble gum blowing contest.


There were Bible wars – that’s when you try to be the first one to find the Bible verse that’s yelled out – and three legged races.


There were bubble contests, too.


And best of all there was sitting around, eating and socializing. And knitting, of course.

It was a very pleasant Sunday afternoon. I almost couldn’t stand the excitement of it all.

Comments (28)

  1. If Dale were my hubby, that pic of him blowing bubbles would definitely be my desktop background for weeks. Love it!

  2. aHA!! So now I know where my dad got the Bible races he used to hold for the Sunday School kids. He’d get a whole class up in front of the congregation, give us each a Bible, then say “1,2,3! (slam left hand down on Bible here) Find the book of ….. ” I was pretty darn good, if I do say so myself who shouldn’t.

  3. I think you need to go back to work to have a good rest after that weekend. I wanted to tell you how beautiful your poppy picture was.

  4. Well, a touch of sarcasm I detect? It does look very relaxing, enjoyable and with knitting on top…not bad at all.

  5. I really like the bubble gum blowing picture. At first I thought it was just a bunch of people standing around. Then I noticed the bubbles.

    I’m not sure if they play games at our church picnic. These ideas would be good for it!

  6. I don’t know how you can stand the excitement… ;o)

    (I should talk – the most exciting thing we did this weekend was grocery shopping)

  7. Looks like everyone had a great time! You know blowing bubbles reduces stress!? I was just over at Birdsong’s and wanted to wish you and Dale an early Happy Anniversary! We also celebrate our Anniversary this week!

  8. Sarcasm or no, that all sounds WAY more exciting than our church picnics used to be. And really, who can resist a game called ‘Bible Wars’? 😉

  9. I always enjoyed our church picnic growing up. It was a hog roast at a park and we had church service outside and played games and stuff. Looks like you guys had a great time!

  10. It looks like great fun! I’d love to try a Bible race — I suspect I might do pretty well for a heathen, but I’ll probably never know.

  11. Sounds like a great time! Wheel barrel? Wheel barrow? This word always makes my forhead krinkle. It’s not a barrel with wheels, but what the heck is a barrow? Assuming you’ve spelled it right, why do New Englanders say the other? Are we just a bunch of hicks? (this isn’t any kind of dis to you dear, just wonderin’)

  12. Okay I love it! A good old fashioned church picnic – no wonder you are such a terrific person Carole!

    My favourite has to be the Bible wars – I would soooo lose!

  13. Looks like fun! I don’t remember my church ever having any picnics, but I think I would love them. I used to always win at Bible wars (we called them sword drills).

  14. Aww Carole!! I love this kind of excitement! It’s just a happy time. And you always want to take a nap afterward, huh?? 🙂

    We called the Bible Wars thing a “Sword Drill” and when I was a kid (5th grade or so) I was hard to beat! My Bible had a nice soft pliable cover and I had the books memorized perfectly! I wouldn’t be so good at it today. Hm. Maybe I should practice!

  15. You know what? Isn’t it kind of nice that we really can enjoy a weekend without all of the usual worldly weekend “stuff?”

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