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Saturday Friends

I’ve been reading my DailyOm Horoscope since Margene first told me about it and that was ages ago. Sometimes I have a hard time applying what it says to what’s going on in my life on a given day and then other times it’s so accurate it’s frightening. And that’s what happened on Saturday.

Here’s what I got in my inbox:
June 16, 2007
Lively Social Activities
Virgo Daily Horoscope
You may be feeling uplifted by the possibilities of all the social activities available to you today, which could make you feel lively and excited. As you gather your friends to share in the fun, you may feel that the world is one big party and that all in attendance are friends. This outgoing sense of connection puts you at ease in any surrounding and allows you to share your joy with anyone in the vicinity. In truth, your positive energy ripples out into the world, affecting everything and everyone and tipping the balance of the world’s energy toward the positive. It may be difficult to imagine that a party in our neighborhood for no particular higher purpose can have a positive effect on world peace, but it creates an atmosphere of acceptance and camaraderie that uplifts those involved. Their positive energy ripples and joins yours as they enter the atmosphere. By socializing and enjoying life today, you uplift others as you share your light.

Another positive outcome of social gatherings is the forging and strengthening of a sense of connection between strangers. When we are having fun, we are more likely to let down our walls and overlook arbitrary social divisions. As we melt into one group of people sharing a common desire for joy and peace, a vision is planted in our hearts and minds, making it easier for us to envision a world at peace. Being outgoing today is a joyful way to create unity in the world.

And here’s what I had planned:
An afternoon of knitting and spinning with Blogless Sharon, Martha and Maryse.

Clearly the universe was working in our favor! We gathered in the early afternoon and sat in my kitchen and chatted and knitted for a while. Once the sun was over the yardarm we indulged in margaritas and various cheeses, breads and crackers. We eventually made our way to the deck and spent the early evening hours spinning. It was wonderful and relaxing and FUN. We made connections and solidified friendships and shared our common interest in all things fibery and it was just as good as my horoscope said it would be. I didn’t take any photos, but Maryse took some beauties and you can see them here. Really, go look. It’s worth it.

So, yeah, it was a really fabulous afternoon and evening. I just love it when the planets align.

Comments (21)

  1. Maryse takes such good pictures! Sounds like you all had fun, I wish I could have made it down! Stupid family obligations. . .

  2. What a nice photo montage of you day together. I would be envious except that I had a fabulous day at Estes doing just the same thing! The connections we make are so important to our lives. Can you please tell this Western grrl what a yardarm is? 😉

  3. I get the Daily Om, too (also because of Margene), and enjoy it a lot. Even if it doesn’t see to fit on a particular day, it always gives me something to think about! I’m glad you had such a lovely day. ; )

  4. Those pictures really are great and it sounds like a wonderful day! Is that your dog in the pictures? What a cutie!

  5. Sounds like it was fun!! Are you coming to Alpaca Kathy’s this weekend? I think I may make the trek down 🙂

  6. sounds (and looks) like the perfect day to me!
    I’ll be spending next weekend hanging out at the show with fiber buddies. there’s just not much that is better than that, is there!

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