It did indeed rain all day Friday and Saturday and on Saturday the rain was…
You Say It’s Your Birthday
Today is Dale’s birthday and I can’t think of a better way for you all to be a part of the celebration than by giving you the chance to watch a video clip of his band.
Happy Birthday, Dale! I love you. And I’m pretty sure all my readers do, too.
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Happy Birthday Dale!
Happy Birthday, Dale!
THAT was fun!! Happy happy birthday to Dale!
Happy Birthday to Dale the Sherpa Dude! You Rock! I second Norma.
Great video! The little girls in the front sure were grooving to Dale and the Duds!
Happy Birthday, Dale! Carole’s right; we do all love you 🙂
It doesn’t get any better than that in life.
Love Dale’s shimmy!
Happy birthday to the splendid man.
Lordy he’s adorable grrl… you give him a big ol’ smooch from us out here in Pac NW.. Happy Birthday Dale. You are most definitely the prince to our favorite girl Carole. I’m glad that she has such a cutie for her love. Must be the most perfect match I’ve seen. Rock on. (thanks for the fabulous video C – you rock too)
Oh that was so much fun to see! I wish I could have been there shaking my booty!
Happy Birthday Dale!
A very happy birthday! I will have to wait to give a listen on a faster connection, but what a sweet tribute.
Happy Belated Birthday Dale!!
(I’m behind, what can I say!)
I hope it just keeps getting better!
Rock on with your bad self!
Dale! Dude! Happy Birthday! And you can sing and shake your hips too? Weeooo, what a catch.
I’m sorry I missed this but I’m glad he had a happy birthday. Happy belated birthday Dale!
Happy Birthday, Dale! Wow, that uniform comes off and you really let your hair down. 🙂
Aw, shucks! I hate that I missed the actual day, but happy belated bithday, Dale!
Y’all should both know that this video set the weebeastie to dancing in utero. I think that says great things about both the music and the babe’s taste, m’self.
Sorry I’m behind. Happy Belated Birthday! Great music too. 🙂
Hi Carole,
First..let me say~Those socks are beautiful…you are gifted! I wanted to comment on your “100 things about you”~I hope this is the correct forum to do it under? Our husbands were in scouts together many years ago (Billy S.-Dale will know ) and spoke for a few minutes last night at the Plymouth concert..which was terrific for those of you who have not heard Carole’s husband’s band…you must catch Dale and The Duds sometime!Anyway….I mentioned I saw your website and thought you HAD to be from Brockton..Cape Cod Cafe Pizza-well…you haven’t had pizza unless you’ve has theirs!My favorite as well. Also…graduating from such a large class..I was right-he told me you graduated from BHS. I am from Brockton(although now I am a hick from the bogs of Plympton! I love it!)and a bit older than you (I graduated in 77)and thought how wonderful to see some of your 100 things…the Cod Pizza,Brockton High, Wearing your husbands flannel shirts(me,too~well…MY husband’s shirts: ) ),etc…I just wanted to say hello. I grew up on Auburn St.(South side)and went to the Gilmore School and South Jr. High. I meant to ask Dale your maiden name~mine is Sabine. Dale may know my brother Marc…he still works for Shaw’s(started at the BPM) and also had a band years ago for a brief time called “The Forgotten” I loved when they practiced in our attic as a kid! I have enjoyed reading your stuff here…I stumbled upon it while looking for the start time of the Plymouth Concert…I may meet you sometime as I visit the library you work at…I’ll be sure to say hi! By the you sell those socks? Have you tried dying with cranberries? (we have a little bog here in Plympton)Have a nice day!
Happy Belated Birthday Dale! It was too fun watching you sing with your band.
Thanks Carole for sharing.
happy belated birthday dale!!!
I saw Dale and the Dudes play at my (now) fiance’s conference a couple of years ago, and they were amazing! I would really like to hire them to play at my wedding ceremony next June.
Carole – if you could contact me at, and let me know how I can arrange this – i would REALLY appreciate it!