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A Fabulous Sunday

Sunday was a very good day. It started out with a quiet morning at home, just Dale and I. And then we went to the Farmer’s Market in Carver, the town where we both work.


There were loads of vendors selling all kinds of things: flowers and vegetables and soap and hand crafts. There was even a woman spinning and I talked to her for quite a while and I think she’s going to come to the library spinning group.



We did have an ulterior motive for going to the Farmer’s Market this week, though. There was special entertainment:


Yes, indeed. Dale and the Duds at the Carver Farmer’s Market. They were wonderful and fun and even played “Book of Love” for the library staff. Way to go, guys!

After such a busy afternoon we were hungry so we headed to one of my other favorite places:

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We had an awesome meal of beer, lobster rolls, clam chowder and little necks:


With horseradish and cocktail sauce and lemon. Mmmm.

I hope your Sunday was equally fabulous!

Comments (41)

  1. Okay…last pic~first–YUM_YUM!! What a beautiful market you have the setting is wonderful. Way to go Dale…looks like you had a fabulous weekend!

  2. Dale and his band have been getting a lot of gigs lately, haven’t they? That’s so great for them!

    I don’t think you could have hit upon a better way to spend a Sunday.

  3. Wow, that just looks like a fabulous time! The market in the trees looks like it was so fantastic. And I loved Plymouth when I was there.

  4. Glad you had such a delightful Sunday! Nice to be a band groupie and get a song dedicated to you. I dedicated my Sunday to struggling with the sock machine, but made great progress and can take next Sunday off, LOL. Love the view at Plymouth and the meal too.

  5. What a lovely Sunday!

    You know I’ve eaten oysters exactly as you describe and love em but never ate a clam the same way. In truth, looking at em kinda skeeved me, weird right?
    Gimme the chowdah and a lobster roll please 🙂

  6. Oooh, those clams look yummy — so does the whole day, in fact. We spent the weekend in Maine, where apparently it was much cooler.

  7. Unfortunately my weekend was not equally fabulous, but I’m glad you had a great time. The meal looks delicious. Can’t get much more New England than that!

  8. Your Sunday sounds wonderful (all except the little necks – yuck)! I take it the storms didn’t hit you; we got hit in the afternoon with some pretty severe thunder and lightening storms.

  9. You’re killin’ me here. Snapdragons! Lobster rolls! Dale and the Duds!
    My Sunday? More like just the duds. 🙁

  10. Ohhhhhmmmmmm…..!! Carole, there is nothing better than clam chowder. Nothing. Thanks for the fun overview of your Sunday! The market sounds so wonderful. 🙂

  11. i’m SO jealous of your seaside lunch!! i love seafood and here we are in ohio. um, no seafood here that you’d want to eat (pout)

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