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Vacation Sock Knitting

In my world, vacation knitting is all about the socks.


So, even though I cast on for a Baby Surprise Jacket at the beginning of the week I quickly abandoned that project for socks.


I got my groove on with plain stockinette in Claudia’s Handpaint. These were great for martini drinking, chatting, and knitting.


And I monkeyed around a bit, too. These saw the most attention in the morning while everyone else was sleeping.

But, that’s not all. I finished two! yes, two! pairs of socks.



My old standby, feather and fan. The yarn is Cider Moon “Icicle” in the color Sweet Potato Pie. I love this yarn so much. It’s squishy and soft and the colors are fabulous.



And a pair of Charade socks, too. The yarn for these was a gift from Hillary and it, too, is wonderful but I don’t think it’s available online.

I still love summer the best and I don’t want to see it end, but at least when the fall arrives I’ll have some new socks to wear.

Comments (45)

  1. I adore that ‘Sweet Potato Pie’ colorway – I bought the fiber and spun it myself, but not thin enough for socks. I ended up 3-plying it, and it’s really gorgeous, but I only have 200 yds. Guess it’ll have to be a hat to match your socks – long-distance cousins!

  2. I’m need to try some Cider Moon. All your socks look great. Socks are perfect vacation knitting (ANY time knitting, actually).

  3. Wow…….you were a knitting machine! Over this summer, I have really found that I enjoy making socks very much…….yours are lovely!

  4. OMG. I MUST have Sweet Potato Pie!… It looks stunning in Feather and Fan. Lovely job on all the socks, but that one pair is heart-stoppingly beautiful. Wow!

  5. Summer sock knitting is definitely all about warm feet in the fall… or in the case of our current cruddy weather, today! Yours look great! Such happy colors. 🙂

  6. I love the “feather and fan” pattern. Where is this pattern from? I believe you made a scarf in this pattern also? “Wow” is all I can say for all the work you got done!!!!

  7. Did you start *and* finish those last week? If so I am totally impressed. Actually I’m totally impressed anyway. And, once again, you and I were on (almost) the same f&f cycle — that’s what I used for my sockapaloozas.

  8. hmmm…i love sweet potato pie! might have to get me a skein of that. your socks all look fabu :o)

  9. Three at once?! And all beautiful!

    I am in awe. Thanks for the link to Charade. I saw a pair last week, but there was no link. You’re making me thinking Monkey, btw. You should be ashamed. :p

  10. Looks to me like there was plenty of martini drinking if you got that far on the Claudia socks – plus all the rest of the socks too!!

  11. All of your socks are beautiful. I particularly like the Sweet Potato Pie (feather & fan) socks. The name is really appropriate for the color!

  12. And there I was, thinking I was so impressive finishing *one* monkey sock while camping! Your socks are amazing!

  13. Nothing like socks and martinis on vacation 😉 Loving them all! Especially that Cider Moon yarn…mmmmm!

  14. Beautiful socks. You were really on a sock roll there, Carole! I agree with Beth, I want some Sweet Potato Pie, yum, yum, yummy!

  15. oh.. love me those Cider moon feather/fan socks…. divine.
    I guess that I’d better get my fingers in gear knitting up socks for the fall, I’m way behind!

  16. I absolutely ADORE the colors you picked for your monkey socks! You were really productive too!

    Now…. remind me… are you coming for a whole week in September, or just for the a long weekend?

  17. You are in your sock glory, after a spate of vacation knitting…. you are right, it is tough to see summer starting to slip away but at least a large wool sock collection will be a consolation.

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