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I finished my Locksins! just in time for my trip west.


Aren’t they purty?


The pattern, of course, is Cassie’s and the yarn is Judy’s Ball and Skein.


I can’t even tell you how tickled I am to have socks made with one friend’s pattern and another friend’s yarn. Particularly when the pattern and yarn are such a great match.


They are absolute perfect and I love ’em!

Comments (47)

  1. Wonderful marriage of pattern and yarn! They look so comfy. Have pattern and Judy yarn- in my queue.

  2. Those are beautiful! The knitter of my Loksins is in time out for bad behavior (and also, possibly, cluelessness). But I will finish them before cold weather hits, I hope.

  3. Aha. Digging through my stash for a lighter shade of green. My first swatch didn’t look quite right — and it’s because the green was too dark. Thanks for the helpful hint!

  4. Gorgeous! And a perfect fit. Green seems like such a fitting color, although I can figure out why seeing as how the pattern doesn’t have little clovers in it or something!

  5. They are so pretty. And I think you are right about the perfect marriage of pattern and yarn. I have some of that Ball and Skein yarn and I think I’ll go get the pattern from Cassie. Thanks!

  6. Ooh, those are lovely! I love how the subtle variegation works with the pattern. I am *green* with envy for them (HAHAHAHA! Is it Friday yet? I’m already laughing at my own jokes)

  7. Oh, I say, well done! It’s a shame to put a shoe over those.

    And, the best part: your sock needles are available now! VBG!

    Knit on!

  8. Thank you for sharing your Loksins…these are high on my list of socks to knit. I just got my first hank of Ball and Skein too and love that yarn as well. I got Rainy Day Blues.

  9. Wow! Beautiful! (making note to self to move that pattern up in the queue) All the better since all the parts come from friends!

  10. Your Loksins are terrific and in one of my favorite colors… bet you got lots of oohs and aahs on your trip. Last time I flew, the security checker admired my handknit socks:)

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