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A Great Day

Hi! How are you today? Did you have a nice weekend? I had a very relaxing weekend and after the whirlwind of Rhinebeck it was just what the doctor ordered.

Friday night Dale and I had a “date night” that basically consisted of dinner at home (tenderloin, mmm) and listening to music. And Saturday we spent some time together and then Dale had to go away over night for a band job. I had the evening to myself, my knitting, and the Red Sox, along with some clay pot shrimp curry.

But truly the best part of my weekend was yesterday. I woke up early and rested and decided to have coffee and read in bed. I settled in with Laurie Perry’s new book, Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair and before I knew it I had finished 3 cups of coffee and the book. Yes, I read the book cover to cover in one sitting – it’s that good.


Not quite ready to give up the comfiest spot in the house, I grabbed the knitting and slipped a movie into the DVD player. Catch and Release isn’t bad although I don’t think it’s about to win any awards. It was a great part of my morning, however.


Before I knew it Dale was home and we decided to take advantage of the beautiful fall day by taking the dog for a walk. It felt great to be outside in the crisp air and I even got to wear my Peace Fleece Everyday Cardigan for the first time this season.


We ended the day with a terrific local dinner of fresh striper, caught by Dale’s brother Randy, and steamed potatoes and beets from our CSA.

And, oh yeah, the Red Sox won the World Series.

It was a great day.

Comments (40)

  1. World Series…let’s see…is that football? 😉

    Clay pot shrimp curry? Sounds really yummy. What’s in it?

  2. I had just ordered Laurie’s book last night!! I can’t wait to get it. Glad to hear its great. Also, what project are you working on-I saw it sitting on the bed in your picture?

  3. Sounds like a perfect weekend, Carole. My dad often fished when we lived in Maine and I enjoyed many, many dinners like yours growing up. He always kept the freezer well stocked!

  4. That sounds like an amazing day! Long, too, assuming you made it to the end of the World Series. But if a day is going to be that good, I guess it’s nice to have it last as long as possible.

    Hope your week benefits from the afterglow!

  5. I’m all for the Sox winning, but it would have been nice if the Rockies has been able to make it a series.

    It sounds like you had a lovely, relaxing weekend. We had a whirlwind of parties, but it sure was fun!

  6. Oh well fine, I’ll have to request that book too. My list just gets longer and longer 🙂 and dinner looks amazing! Yum.

  7. Is the clay pot shrimp curry something I could make? Or would I need the fire department?

    I never knew that socks could play baseball, but they did well last night. The yummy men didn’t hurt any, either. ;^)

    I’m so glad you had a relaxing weekend.

  8. Miss B and I went to Grant’s concert yesterday (a performance by the choral group he sings in, that is). I didn’t much care for the music, but Miss B liked some of it (finally Grant and I agree on something, musically speaking: we don’t need to hear, much less perform, any more Hovhaness), and it was good to be there.

    And then we got to go home and watch the end of the Pats game, followed by the Red Sox, of course.

  9. I actually watched the end of the game. I’m such a baby, the Red Sox make me cry (actually, I’m such a baby, that the Rockies would have, too!).

    Glad you had a nice weekend.

  10. Around 10:00 last night, I announced that my idea of a perfect world would be if the Sox could wrap it all up within three hours, so we could get a decent night’s sleep and life could go back to normal. It wasn’t quite 3 hours but it was close, and they did wrap it up in 4 and you can’t really ask for more than that. THANK YOU, SOX!

  11. I keep trying to teach my cat to fetch me coffee refills so I can read/knit/work the crossword in bed, but he’s

  12. Ok, I’m happy you’re happy, but we weren’t so happy here in Rockiesland. ::sigh:: But we were happy just to be in the running, honestly.

    Your din-din looked fabulous!

  13. I will have to pick up that Crazy Aunt Purl book – I’ve read about how great it is on numerous blogs. 🙂

    Your dinner looks great!

  14. Carole, your week-end sounds incredible. And, so relaxing!!! Glad you had such a nice week-end…and glad the Red Sox won!!!!

  15. If it couldn’t be THE FINS this year, I’m glad it was the Sox!

    Mason looks like he had a great day too 🙂

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