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Technological Wonders

Reason #822 why I love technology.


The web cam.

We finally set up our web cam and used it last week to talk to Brant, Heather and Ambrynn in Florida. It was kind of weird and will take some getting used to but it was pretty fun. After Ambrynn warmed up a bit she sang us some songs and told us about her Halloween. We were surprised at how long her hair has gotten and we were thrilled to hear her little voice.

We miss them so much but we’re adjusting and they are happy there and that’s what really counts. One thing that really helps is Heather is very good about sending photos.

Like this one, of Ambrynn in her Halloween costume.


Isn’t it nice to know that she’s just as cute as ever?

This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. Ambrynn is really darling!

    The webcam is a great idea, I’m sure you all will have lots of great conversations that way. 🙂


  2. You know, some people say that technology is destroying our knack for human contact, but this totally disproves that! It must be such a relief to see their smiling faces.

  3. Very cool! What a great way to keep in touch. There’s something about being able to see and hear a person at the same time that makes one feel a little closer.

  4. Even 5 years ago you wouldn’t have been able to connect like that, well without spending thousands of $$ anyway! So yes, technonlgy ROCKS!

    Yes she’s quite a cutie!

  5. Really, there ARE some wonderful things about technology. I will try to remember this the next time I have ISSUES with my computer and/or steno machine!

  6. Ambryn is so adorable, just a doll. The webcam sounds like a great way to keep in toch and feel like you’re closer than just a telephone call or email.

  7. So cute! I’m very much in favor of Halloween make-up that draws attention to the adorable button nose of the person wearing it. 🙂

  8. sounds of loud clapping and hooting coming to you from the west coast! She is adorable as ever – I’ll bet that she loved seeing you too – does she still do the wiggle dance (or is she too grown up now – smile)
    what a sweet post.

  9. that’s great!! she is really adorable.

    my brother sends me videos of my niece and many pictures as well. i’m not sure if she’d get the video chat yet, but we could try it.

    living far from family is definitely hard – we’re 3000 miles away from ours. going home this week though! 🙂

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