Hello, friends! I'm joining with Kat today to talk about my knitting and reading. My…
Autumn Leaves Prize Socks
Like any good vacation there was a fair amount of knitting. Not as much knitting as I thought there’d be (there never is, right?) but I did manage to finish a pair of socks.
These were knit as a prize for Claudia’s MS Raffle and they are on their way to the winner as you read this.
No big surprise that they are picot edge, I’m sure. The yarn is Sophie’s Toes in the colorway Autumn Leaves and I hope the recipient likes them – she said she likes browns and reds and earth tones. I think this yarn fits the bill but I always worry when knitting a prize, you know?
I worry about fit, too. This person has pretty narrow feet but these look really narrow to me. They fit Hannah, though, so I’m hoping they’ll be okay. But again, I worry.
I’d be pretty happy if someone knit me a pair of socks so I suppose I shouldn’t worry. I’ll take any reassurances you all have to offer, though.
Prize knitting. It’s not for wimps. Or worriers.
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They look perfect to me. I’m sure they will be loved.
Some one is going to feel very lucky when they arrive!!
I know what you mean about worrying, but these socks are beautiful. I’m sure she’ll love them.
Dear Miz Wimpy-Worrier,
Anyone would be THRILLED to have those socks. Rest easy!
she will love them!
there would only be more knitting time on vacation of you didn’t bring enough yarn 😉
From one worrier to another, I’m sure they’ll be fine. I’d take them in a heart beat!
I feel sure the winner will adore them. Gorgeous colors and beautifully knit! – What’s not to love?
Besides, if they ARE a little big s/he could always shrink them a bit in the dryer or maybe wear a sock liner under them.
I would treasure them!
They’re really lovely socks! The color is perfect and I’m sure they will fit very well!
Lucky recipient – that’s a gorgeous colorway!
They are beautiful. Anyone would be overjoyed to receive those!
Stop your worrying; she’s going to love them!
They are lovely! Worry not!
A question for the picot edge expert: Do you use the same size needle for the picot edge as for the cuff? Recently on some knitting lists I’ve been reading about knitters having to go down a size. I’d like to try this edge myself.
I totally worry (as you know). But don’t worry, those are lovely socks, and I covet them, even though I have little fat duck feet.
I like those colors. I’m getting in the autumn mood myself with this chilly weather we have been having.
I was wondering myself how you do your picot edge. Any specific online tutorial you used?
Those are beautiful socks!! Don’t worry, any person would be happy to receive something hand knit just for them.
I understand about the worrying it and I think it’s totally normal but I’m sure that the winner will love the socks. The worry is just a sign that you really do care.
They’re beautiful. Stop worrying. I love your picot edge, too.
I’m sure that if they fit Hannah, they will be fine! And the colors totally match your blog background, BTW.
Dude, those are awesome! Thanks again for ponying up such a great prize. I’m sure the winner will be thrilled.
That’ll be fine! I LOVE those colors!
They look great!
They’re beautiful! And they sound like a perfect color for the recipient.
They are beautiful. Glad you had a great time on vaca!
They are pretty, Carole. What pattern do you use for your picot edge? Is it the foldover one?
Oh boy… if she doesn’t want ’em, I’ll take ’em. That colorway is phenomenal! 😉
I love picot edges too – makes me think of pies. I’m starting to feel that I might think of food a little too often…
I think they will be well loved because they are so beautiful.
Don’t worry, Carole. They will fit and will be loved. Who wouldn’t love a pair of socks from you.
Btw, what size feets do you have? ;^)
You are such good peeps.
Dude, at least YOU didn’t have to knit socks for Anne Hanson…talk about coals to Newcastle 🙂
They are just gorgeous. In the unlikely event that they are rejected by the recipient, I’ll take them! I have narrow feet, too. ;D
What a beautiful colorway. I am sure that they will be very well received!
Beautiful socks! They will be a hit, I’m sure.
those are yummy.
and I agree.. prize knitting, prize making of any sort is stressful.
Yet, you needn’t worry. Anyone would love these. (me included… 🙂 so if the recipient doesn’t like them, just send em out this way. ahem)
What a lucky winner! I think this pair is one of my favorites. I LUV that colorway. Gorgeous!