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Eye Candy Friday

Ice, ice, baby. If you click that picture and make it bigger you can really see the ice. Just saying.

I’m ready for spring but it’s going to be a while.

I’m also ready for the weekend. Thankfully that starts now! Have a good one!

This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. I’ve got a few hours before my weekend starts, but I’m in total agreement. Your ice is lovely – just don’t fall!

  2. Have a great weekend- were getting more snow! Much better than ice- just sayin’. I am looking forward to Spring too.

  3. We’ve got the same type of wintery wonderland look going on around here. Now there’s another big storm heading our way 6-8″ in my area. That must mean a foot plus for you.

    Spring can’t come soon enough!

  4. We had ice on Monday but sun the rest of the week. This winter hasn’t been too bad, but I hear the inversion is coming. Hopefully it will be a short one. Enjoy your weekend!!

  5. We got ice too! I couldn’t get out of our driveway on Wednesday at all…if my car had ice skates I could have. Now we still have ice but can slowly get in and out – however the snow we’re due to get tomorrow will complcate things. I am so ready for summer! If I’m housebound tomorrow I’ll get lots of knitting done I guess. Have a good weekend.

  6. I love the way ice and snow make everything sparkle. Maybe that’s why I decided to be born the day after a major ice storm. 😉

  7. No snow and ice here – it’s been a fairly winter-free season so far but now that I’ve said that all kindsa snow will break loose and cover us up until April. heh

    Happy Winter Weekend complete with pretty icy and frosty things, but stay outta the ER! XOXOXOX

  8. Very pretty! We are expecting freezing rain in Maryland tomorrow. To be expected, as it is my birthday and there is always (for all 50 years, I think, with maybe one exception) precipitation on my birthday, no matter where I live at the time.

  9. Yeah, you can pretty much ice skate on my driveway. There’s about an inch or more of very slick ice covering the whole thing.

    And now I hear more snow is coming tomorrow. Yikes.

    No one believed me when I said back in August/Sept. that it was going to be a rough winter. My mom laughed at me and asked how I knew. I just had a feeling. That, and the squirrels were working hard to collect food that late in summer/early in the fall. Always a sure sign.

  10. yuck. ice = no fun at all.
    I, too am ready for spring.. yet I fear that this is going to be a bad winter yet ahead. The flooding out here is beyond describing.

  11. We had a bad freezing rain/ice storm on Saturday night — and it is STILL glare ice in many places (mostly the pedestrian places), so one must be VERY careful.

    I, too, am ready for winter to be over. Look here, we’re already a third through January, February is short, and there CAN be nice days in March. Let’s hope…

  12. That photo is awesome…i could see the ice so clearly!!! Spring is a bit in the future – but, the week-end is a good thing! Have fun!

  13. That picture is gorgeous! Ice is so annoying (not to mention dangerous) but it is pretty!
    ENJOY your weekend. It could not come fast enough this week!

  14. We had sun and 60 degrees today! But tonight the winds from up north are set to blow in and we’ll be down in the 20s. I did sit outside with my daughter today to soak up a little sun before it was gone!

  15. Sure looks beautiful, but makes the driving tough… spent my day traveling over the pass to the other side of the county and back, though the roads were well-sanded. Stay cozy over the weekend.

  16. Cocoa weather, eh? At least you aren’t in Alaska. The weather reports are surreal! Aren’t you glad you knit?! Please walk and drive carefully — ice is evil.

    Out in SF, the magnolias are blooming, birds are singing, and it’s time to pick lemons. We *have* had some light frosts some nights, but nothing hard. DH is walking laps with hand weights down the street at the park. Oh, and one of the neighbor’s plum trees is blooming, too, as are my roses. My dad calls it a false spring, but it sure feels real!

  17. When we had ice storms in Atlanta, I loved to hear the creaky-cracky when the wind blew. Crazy, I know, since it’s tough on the trees and tough on houses and power lines when they fall, but ya like what you like.

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