I'd love to join Kat for an unraveled post today . . . but I…
Inauguration Day.
There were times when it felt like it would never come.
It’s finally here.
Bring it on!
I’ll be sitting on the couch, watching the coverage, all day long. Of course I’ll be knitting. In fact, I’m just starting the second Crew sock. I bet I’m done by the end of today.
It’s going to be a great day!
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Knit on!
I’ll be watching from somewhere – my computer at work, probably, but watching nonetheless. It is indeed a great day!
One of the women in my knitting group is hosting an Inauguration Day Brunch … and WB and I are going to be there with bells on.
I’m having a group of my good friends over to watch the festivities.
It’s a great day!
You don’t work any more? I’ll be watching from my computer at work.
I’ll be watching from my computer at work, too. Happy Inauguration Day!
I bet you are done by the end of the day too! Enjoy 🙂
Yeee haw! Happy Inagueration Day!
I plan to watch President Obama’s address but then I have to hightail it back into the office. 🙂
Enjoy! I’ll be watching too – at school with the kids! Can you think of a better place?
what an exciting day. i wish i had made the decision to go downtown today, but it’s cold and i’m sick and damn…those crowds!
My office has arranged to watch the important bits via live stream online in our big old TV in the conference room…but then I have to get back to work 🙂 Hooray for new leadership!
I’ll be watching from my desk at work.
It’s a great day!
Hell to the yeah!!! :o)
Nice socks! Hope you’re having a great day! I felt bad for all those people standing in the cold in DC.
Yes we will have a good day…I’ve already used my share of kleenex…it just felt so wonderful when he walk away from the helicopter and walked up the stairs. Then when they introduced him as President of the United States at the luncheon, I cried.
It is so wonderful to see the fruits of many people working together to see that this election was possible.
Is the sock done yet? 😀
It is such a relief to have him in the White House.
We watched in the dining hall at school. It was really fantastic to be in a warm, familiar place (for us), packed with friends and professors, cheering and whistling at the bits we liked.
running between music practice and the pharmacy I caught the whole speech on NPR (talk about lucky timing), then later some of the comments and interviews. a good day’s work. back to knitting…
VERY cool socks! I watched the festivities in between working today.:)
I was so proud of my students. They listened to the entire broadcast and when the National Anthem was sung, they all got up and sang along – no prompting from me! Even my girl who won’t stand for the pledge. Great emotions today!
Cheerful green socks!
It has been a wonderful, emotional, tearful day. I also spent it with kids who got up and sang the national anthem. Today we begin anew. This calls for starting a new project don’t ‘cha think? Do you think the wips/ufos are like debt if we just keep starting new ones? Maybe I’d better finish this bib before I start those mittens. The socks are great!
i was weepy all day.
Things are beginning to feel right. I’m allowing myself to care about politics again.
Out of respect, I watched the President get sworn in, but by no means did I make it an all day event. Besides, I had Nonna duty with the grandboy.
Happy Inauguration Day!