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Welcome Vestuary

Thanks for all your advice yesterday. The voting was pretty clearly in favor of blocking first, then seaming. Following closely was blocking, seaming, and blocking again. The votes were helpful but what I really appreciated was the comments you all left about why you finish sweaters the way you do.

And really, I knew I should block first but was trying to avoid it. Here’s the comment from Elizabeth that truly pushed me into deciding to block before seaming:

Having just seamed a sweater without blocking it, I found myself thinking several times during the process that I wished I’d blocked it first. It went together fine, but it would’ve been even easier if it had been blocked.

The last thing I want is to make things harder on myself. So, the pieces will be blocked. I’m hoping to get them seamed by the end of the week so that I can knit the button bands and collar over the weekend.

In the meantime, I’ve started my Vestuary project. It’s a Diamonds For Him vest for Dale.


The yarn is Wild Apple Hill Farm 100% wool that I picked up at Rhinebeck last year. I’m enjoying it so far. In fact, it’s off to a great start!

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Always good to come to a decision!

    The vest will be great. You gave me the push I need – I cast on for mine last night.

  2. I’ve already given up Vest-uary. What was I thinking….I don’t wear vests. Smith isn’t a vest man, either. Sigh….
    Dale’s vest is going to be lovely!

  3. I like the vest’s beginnings. I have to admit I enjoy wearing a vest now that I am of a certain hotflash age, I should make more of them.

  4. Very handsome yarn. The texture of the yarn seems to be perfect for the pattern. I hope you have a great time with this project.

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