I know, because of the comments from last week, that many of you enjoy reading…
Ten On Tuesday
This week’s Ten on Tuesday is 10 Songs That Describe You or Your Life. Hmm. This shouldn’t be too difficult.
Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On by Jimmy Buffett. The lesson here is obvious – learn to let it go. I’m even considering this is a tattoo to remind me of the way I want to approach life.
It Works for Me by Toby Keith. Yeah, a country song. But this song is all about living your life your way and not according to someone else’s rules. That works for me.
I’m a Bitch, I’m a Lover by Alanis Morisette. Self-explanatory, I think.
Great Is Thy Faithfulness. An old-fashioned hymn that says a lot about God’s place in my life.
Roll Me Away by Bob Seeger. My favorite part: I could go East, I could go West, it was all up to me to decide.
Love in the Library by Jimmy Buffett. I’m a librarian and a romantic, what can I say?
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Miserables. Sometimes I really miss my mom, dad, and my two brothers. It’s lonely being the last surviving family member.
Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen. We make the world go ’round, you know.
I Got You Babe by Sonny and Cher. The song that most accurately describes my life with Dale.
Testify to Love by Wynonna Judd. In the end, love is all you’ve got.
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You’re silly but that’s a great sounds track nonetheless. 😉
What a great, honest, soundtrack to your life! Although – Fatbottom Girls??
I enjoyed reading your list. I think I’d have a hard time picking out songs.
I’ve never heard of that Jimmy Buffett track, but now I feel as if I must!
Our favorite restaurant plays Jimmy Buffet. I’ll have to listen for Love in the Library. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Breathe In.
I know this is being super picky… but Meredith Brooks sings Bitch, not Alanis Morisette.
I am getting a tattoo (well, technically 2 tattoos) on my wrists that say “Never Despair” and “Never Surrender”, with the same sort of words-to-live-by thing as your Jimmy Buffet idea. Where were you thinking of getting it?
Great list. Many of those songs would be on mine, too.
Miriam is right about the “Bitch” lyrics. It’s written by Meredith Brooks/Shelly Pieken, although it easily could have been Alanis. It’s a great song, although the title can be a bit off-putting until you hear the entire lyric. 🙂
Yep, that Queen song would be in my list, too 🙂
Great list – the “Empty Chairs” spoke to me.
‘Bitch’ is one of my favs – though it is sung by Meredith Brooks. ;o)
I do like the idea of having your words to live by on your arm…microscopic-sized so only you can see it. ;op~ Our friend Dave has ‘LOST’ tattooed nice and big on his arm – he did it after his last GF broke up with him. I asked him if he’s going to get ‘FOUND’ tattooed on his other arm when he finds a new GF. ;o) He didn’t find it as funny as I did… *ahem*
I like your list…many could also be on mine. I don’t think I know Love in the Library, but we have several Buffett albums, and I will have to go see if it is on one.
Did you really need to put I Got You Babe into my head?
Yeah, you probably did. Great list, now I have to think of mine. It will not include IGYB.
Wonderful list, Carole.
I saw the challenge and knew I couldn’t do it. Oh, and Meredith Brookes did that song as a rip off of the more popular Alanis. No, I don’t know why I know this, but I do. /sigh
The diversity is terrific. I love the inclusion of the hymn. It reminded me of how much I miss hearing hymns (seldom sung, or so it seems).
that’s a neat idea to look for lyrics to describe your life. How often I pick up phrases from movies for the same thing! the trick is to remember how they apply? You go girl!
I love your list! Quite a few of yours would be on mine – however, I would add the following: Once in a lifetime love – Alan Jackson & Working for the weekend – Loverboy, Roll with the Changes – REO Speedwagon 🙂
What a great playlist!! Love it! (Fellow Parrothead??)
Love the songs. Off to get them on my itunes!.
Loved your list of songs!!! I never realized you were the last surviving family member.
Aw. What a great list.
“All men owe honor to the poets–honor and awe, for they are dearest to the Muse who puts upon their lips the ways of life.” (Homer, The Odyssey, book 8).
I just had to share – some things don’t change! LOL
I’m catching up on all your posts and even though there are more profound ones than this (ltr to Obama, my new favorite dude; war memorial, bread line, and so on) this cracked me up.
I listen to Fat Bottomed Girls on my iPod when I’m jogging. It reminds me why I need to jog. 🙂