Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
Junior Prom
Hannah’s Junior Prom was Friday night and I’d been weepy about it all week just thinking about my baby girl growing up. Without being all sappy, I should just say that I’ve looked forward to this for a long time. I’ve walked her down to our town common every year since she was a little girl so that she could watch the Grand March and each year I’ve told her that some day she would be doing that very thing. And this year it was her turn.
It was a hectic day. I picked her up early from school and took her out to lunch before her hair appointment. After that it was rush rush rush to get her make up done and get her dressed. She looked lovely, of course.
I took 174 pictures of Hannah and Rob and all of their friends. I had a very hard time narrowing it down to just these few to show you all.
Her dress was made by my dear friend Lois and Hannah adored it. She said that she wanted to look like Cinderella and I think she did.
Her wrist corsage was beautiful and the blue ribbon and sparkles matched her dress perfectly, as did Rob’s vest and tie.
And the hairdo was just fantastic. Can I just tell you, though – it cost more than her dress!
The weather didn’t cooperate for the kids and the Grand March had to be held indoors at the high school. I must admit I was so disappointed. But I got over my disappointment when, at the end of the Grand March, Hannah was named Prom Queen!!!
(please to note – the prom king is not Hannah’s boyfriend)
I never ever, in my wildest dreams, thought this would happen. It was a complete surprise and a total shock to all of us – Hannah, too. She was thrilled and gracious and beautiful up on the stage, even if she was shaking like a little leaf.
I think Rob considered himself a pretty lucky guy to be going to the prom with the queen.
Of course, she’s always been our little princess. sniff, sniff
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Such a beautiful young lady!
Congratulations, Hannah! What a wonderful memory to treasure!
The dress was just right – beautiful, glamorous, yet age appropriate.
awwww! I got a little teary just reading this. What a sweet event.She does princess absolutely perfectly.
Congrats to Hannah – she made a lovely queen!
The memories you all shared will live a lifetime, the tears and joys. Reminded me of my own DD’s, too many years ago, but still beautiful memories. Happy for you all!
Hannah was prom queen!! So exciting! She is beautiful and that dress is GORGE.
She’s beautiful! And Lois MADE the dress — that the icing on the cake!
That first picture reminds me of a 1950s socialite. What a beautiful young lady. Makes me jealous that I will never have a little girl to send to prom one day. I love my son but it is not the same.
Carole, she is so beautiful…and that dress! Perfect for her – and Hannah stood out in the color…
The prom queen – how awesome is that!
I can tell how proud you are of her and how much you love her…she is a very lucky girl to have a wonderful mother like you…and you are lucky to have such a wonderful daughter.
Oh my!!! Congrats to Hannah, and to Mom! I’m all teary myself….
What a lovely young woman she is! (and he’s a pretty handsome guy, too!)
You are the best mom.
The thought of you watching the march every year made me all teary! She looks so beautiful. The dress, the hair, the flowers – so perfect. I’m glad it was such a magical evening for everyone!
Ohmigod. That is so wonderful! From the hair, to the dress, to daughter, to the Prom Queen! Amazing. Congratulations on a triumph!
What day. What a memory. She is stunning. Obviously you’ve laid a brilliant foundation for this young woman. You are both blessed.
She looks beautiful. The color of the dress is perfect.
She looks absolutely beautiful, you must have been so proud. I am blown away that your friend made her dress….it’s so pretty!
What a precious memory for both of you!
So beautiful! Hannah especially, but also the dress, her hair, and the corsage!
Oh yeah, and I think I’m glad I have a boy…
at least as regards prom!
Hannah is a beautiful girl and looks alot like you.
hannah’s dress was almost as beautiful as Hannah. I loved her updo. The color of the dress was magical. What a night she’ll always remember!
What a great post – and could she BE any more gorgeous? You both brightened my day.
She looks beautiful! And so nice you got to share this time with her – lucky both of you!
That girl’s a ringer for Julia Roberts!
yay! she looked so beautiful!
She’s so beautiful! You should be so proud!
Congratulations Hannah!! She looks so very beautiful –
and what a gorgeous dress she has on – she DOES look exactly like Cinderella 🙂
The joy on their faces is perfectly captured in your photos. what a fabulous thing to have happen.
Hannah looks lovely. And of course, she WOULD be thrilled and gracious. She sounds like a really wonderful girl.
She is such a beautiful young lady!! Wow, how proud you and Dale must be!! What a wonderful surprise to be named Prom Queen too! Congrats!!
A beauty in blue! So lovely, really. Look how Hannah just shines holding those flowers.
Hooray and congratulations to the Prom Queen! What a perfect evening!
a precious time! so many good memories. such a beautiful daughter, a beautiful person.
SOunds like her prom was much more of a fairy tale than mine! Beautiful, just beautiful.
Beautiful – what a magical evening it must have been for her!!
Hannah definitely looked like a princess! So cool that she was the prom queen too!
Oh, gosh, dressed like a princess and then crowned queen. She is absolutely gorgeous! What a special time for all of you.
She looks great and that dress is awesome! Congratulations on being named Prom Queen! 🙂