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Ten on Tuesday on Wednesday

I completely forgot to do a Ten on Tuesday post yesterday.  I was so excited to show you the photos from our Plymouth Harbor cruise that I totally missed my weekly contribution.  We can’t have that now, can we?  Particularly when the topic is about food – my Ten Favorite Places to Eat.

1. Mockingbird Restaurant and Martini Bar.  This is my go-to restaurant for special occasion dinners.  We almost always go here for my birthday.

2. Crispi’s.  A cute little Italian place in the next town over.  We took Margene here last October and she approved.

3. Heather’s Place.  I think I’ll always call this Pub 106 as that’s what it was until recently.  It’s truly just a glorified diner but the food is home cooked and it’s cheap.  A great place to go to grab a quick dinner on a week night.

4. T.J. Smith’s Victorian House.  It’s only open for dinner on Thursdays and Fridays.  Our weekly Kiwanis meetings are here and the food is delicious.  Turkey dinners, prime rib, baked haddock and chicken pot pie.  The menu is limited but the service is the best anywhere.

5. The Raw Bar.  We only get here once a year but it’s a must when we’re on vacation.  The lobster rolls are gigantic.  And no cell phones allowed.  They mean it, too!

6. Cape Cod Cafe.  My favorite pizza place in the whole wide world, simply because it’s the pizza I ate as a kid.  Pepper and onion is my favorite.

7. Johnny Macaroni’s.  Another little Italian place.  They have a great antipasto and the wine glasses are big.

8. The Chatta Box.  Thai food at it’s finest.  Fresh and delicious.  I recommend the Tofu Claypot Curry.

9. East Bay Grille.  When it’s a special occasion and the weather is fine this restaurant in Plymouth is my favorite place to go.  Outdoor dining overlooking Plymouth Harbor.  Sigh.

10. Home.  Or a friend’s house for dinner.  All the restaurants in the world can’t compete with a homecooked meal.

Comments (13)

  1. It’s interesting to read everyone’s favorite places, but sad that we can’t try them all! I agree about your place or a friends. The atmosphere of friendship can’t be beat.

  2. I am envious of all your independent eateries! In Boise it’s one chain restaurant after another. They all sound like fun!

  3. your list of restaurants is making me homesick for New England and no visit is in sight until January… sigh. I’ll have to make do with Gulf Coast seafood this weekend.

  4. Great list – and not a chain in there! I’d love to be able to try all of them someday – but #10 especially!!

  5. I completely agree about #10. I love a home-cooked meal. Surprised that Woodman’s didn’t make your list. I haven’t been there but it’s always recommended. Must get there soon!

  6. I think what I love about our lists is the lack of chain type restaurants! There are so many wonderful restaurants in New England!!!

  7. Those all sound so good! I need to try some new restaurants around here because I don’t think I have ten favorites.

  8. Now The Raw Bar sounds like my kinda place…now if I could find a restaurant that doesn’t allow cell phones and screaming kids! (not that I don’t like kids…just I can enjoy my meal better)

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