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Ten On Tuesday

brussel sprouts

The official theme for Ten on Tuesday this week is 10 Things You Are Thankful For. Since I’ve been doing Thankful Thursday this seems a bit redundant so instead I’m sharing 10 People (Living or Dead) I’d Like To Invite To Thanksgiving Dinner.

1. Abraham Lincoln. He made it official, after all. And he’d keep Dale occupied.

2. Abigail Adams. Our first feminist definitely deserves a seat at my table.

3. Oprah. I’ve been watching her for 24 years and I’m still a huge fan.

4. Julia Child. I wonder if she’d be willing to do all the cooking?

5. Pat Summit. She’s the coach of the Tennessee Lady Vols, in case you aren’t familiar with her. I’d love to meet her.

6. Martin Luther King, Jr. And can I add Bobby Kennedy here, too? Sort of a two-for-one deal.

7. Meryl Streep. I think she’s the greatest actress of our time.

8. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I’d love to hear his views on our world today.

9. Harvey Milk. He’d liven things up, I’ll bet!

10. Jimmy Buffett. I know he’d bring the tequila and what’s a party (even Thanksgiving!) without tequila?

It’s an eclectic group, that’s for sure. I just hope they like brussel sprouts.

Comments (29)

  1. Such a balanced list, Carole! I love the inclusion of Buffett with Lincoln. And I’ll be giggling over the above comments for a while longer! Happy Tuesday.

  2. I’m on the same page as Dave – how do you make your brussel sprouts?! They look delicious and I’ve never made them.

  3. That’s a great list. Eclectic is certainly the word. I’d also love to know what you’re doing with those brussels. They look delicious.

  4. Sounds like you need to post your brussels sprout recipe! Count me in as one of the curious. I usually fry up some bacon, take it out of the pan and crumble it, and saute halved brussels sprouts in the bacon fat. Then I serve the sprouts with the crumbled bacon on top. Even people who don’t like brussels sprouts like bacon.

  5. Great list! (btw, R installed Meryl’s theater at her house in the Berkshires) ;o) Thanks for not inviting Jane A so she didn’t have to choose, hehe

  6. Great list, Carole! You can have Franklin, I’ve got Eleanor at my table (wrote the post a couple days ago, it goes up on Thanksgiving). I’m kinda jealous that you got Harvey Milk and Julia Child, though. What a great time y’all would have!

  7. Are you roasting those sprouts? Love your list. I’m so behind today… just beginning to check ’em out. Love the idea — thanks so much for sharing it w/me.

  8. Sounds like a good party! Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Hoping to take off tomorrow and with our laptop stolen, I won’t be online til, dare I say it, Monday.

  9. A very excellent group. Except from what I’ve heard Julia Child wasn’t all that easy to deal with IRL. Better keep her in the kitchen.

  10. Pat Summit is awesome…When we lived in Tennessee – she was the talk of the town!

    And, your roasted brussel sprouts look awesome!

  11. what a group that would be! – I like the two for one deal… and please don’t forget Eleanor R as well. She’d fit in perfectly with this crowd!

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