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Daisy, Daisy resized for blog

I am sick and it hurts all over. I’ll post again when I’m better. In the meantime, here are some daisies for you. They are cheering me up, that’s for sure.

Comments (33)

  1. I was just getting ready to write to you on Facebook to see how you are; I’m sorry you’re still sick. Take care of yourself.

  2. Oh, how awful, get well SOON. I had something horrible that lasted three lousey weeks before Christmas. Things were ‘swiney’ around here!

    Drink plenty of ginger ale.


  3. Oh sweetie! Sounds flu-like. There is definitely something making the rounds here in MA. Curl up on the couch, stay warm and push those fluids. Feel better soon!

  4. love and ((hugs)) to you.
    Your flower photos or worthy of a Georgia O’Keefe painting. I wish that I had a whole collection of them – especially this one and the tulips.
    today am sending a virtual bowl of chicken noodle soup, and another pot of soothing tea with lemon and honey..

  5. Hope you’re feeling better soon. Meanwhile, take care. Better yet, let someone else take care of you.

  6. Oh no! I’m so sorry that you’re not feeling well. Please take care of yourself and stay on the sofa. Thank goodness you’ve got lots of tea to drink. ;^)


  7. Hope you’re feeling better – Ohio has something going around besides snow too, and it’s also hanging on. Rest, rest, rest, and keep hydrated til you are well.

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