Maybe we all need to be more like Fred and George. Get cozy with a…
Postcards from My Bird Buddy
I was influenced by Kym back in January and I bought a Bird Buddy. It’s a bird feeder with a camera and I got the one with the solar roof so that it stays charged without me having to bring it in the house. It had been on my radar for quite some time but it was Kym’s enthusiasm for hers that was my tipping point.
And I have no regrets! I get daily postcards showing me the birds that are visiting. And we’ve had great success keeping the squirrels away with the Fiery Feast bird seed from Wild Birds Unlimited. I was inspired by Kat’s recent post to share some photos of the birds we see regularly:
Eastern Bluebirds.
Tufted Titmouse.
Northern Cardinal.
Not pictured by frequent fliers (see what I did there?): American Goldfinch, House Finches, Pine Warblers (which I thought were Goldfinches until the Bird Buddy entered my life) and Black Capped Chickadees.
I’m not here to tell you to go spend your hard earned money on a Bird Buddy. But I am here to tell you that I’m having a great time with mine and I’m looking forward to the spring migration.
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What fabulous pictures!! I especially love the Bluebird – we are hoping that a pair will nest in the house that Fletch bought for me last Fall. One has been checking it out, so we are hopeful! It will be fun and interesting to see what migratory birds show up in your yard!
Thanks for posting this, Carole. I have looked at a bird buddy several times, and I am slowly being seduced. I don’t think I realized that the pictures would be so clear! I have been feeding the birds for years, and I really enjoy their visits to the feeders. It’s very therapeutic to be a small part of the natural world.
What I want to know is if you positioned it so Fred and George get a good view? I imagine at least one of them would be interested in all the activity.
Okay, that Bluebird has me feeling some serious envy! What a great snap! And thanks for the Fiery Birdseed tip!
I’m a big fan of that bluebird also! I’ve bought lots of mealworms and put up bluebird boxes but haven’t seen one nearby. Thanks for the postcards!
That’s awesome! We’ve just begun getting interested in watching the birds and I’d never heard of a Bird Buddy. Thanks to you, it’s now on my Amazon wish list and I have a birthday coming up soon. 🙂
When I opened our Bird Buddy and saw the mounting plate on the bottom, I assumed it had to be mounted on a post. So it is still sitting in the box, waiting for spring. But this week I saw a photo on someone’s blog (Kat’s?) where the BB was hanging from a deck hook. Zounds, we currently have three empty hooks on our deck railing! I cannot wait to get some postcards!
So it seems that peer pressure in adulthood makes one buy birdfeeders with cameras! I love seeing everyone’s photos from them, and I kind of wonder if I’d be surprised by any birds if I got one. I love how your cardinal is rather sneaky. He must not like having his photo taken!
Oooooo! I’ve been looking at that for quite some time and been hesitant to get one. Great pics and we already use the fiery birdseed, so that is good! Off to visit a website,,,solar panel makes so much sense! (I am already thankful my home office does not face where our bird feeders are now or I’d never get any work done! )
Beautiful photos! I love birds. We stopped doing feeders though because we had too many pigeons visiting and they are such messy birds.
I sure wish we had all those birds here! The ones we see most are towhees, song sparrows, and Stellar jays. One interesting thing about the Stellar jays is that they swallow peanuts, shell and all. They are quite raucous though!
I’ve made a strong suggestion that a Bird Buddy would make a nice Mothers Day gift… and if it isn’t from my kids, then there will be one forthcoming from ME!! haha. Love the quality of those photos!
I love my Bird Buddy . . . although even with the fiery bird seed, I still get plenty of squirrels. . . I’m glad you’re enjoying yours, too. I have not had a bluebird visit, so I’m feeling quite envious!