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New Hampshire Sheep & Wool v.2010

Dale and I spent the weekend in New Hampshire for the Sheep & W0ol Festival. I think this is my 6th year in a row attending and it was as great a time as ever. It was a little different, I’ll admit, but I always manage to find some fun!

Friday night we headed north and hit traffic. A lot of traffic. By the time we got to the hotel we decided to just hang out with some drinks and room service. It was a great way to not only end the day but also to rest up for the next day. Turns out, we didn’t need to rest much.

Saturday morning dawned rainy and cold. We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at our hotel and headed to the festival – in the pouring rain. I was determined to get there, though, because I wanted to hang with my peeps – and I did. For a little while, anyway. We visited and chatted and hung around. I bought some yarn and we hung around some more. Honestly, though, by 2 pm we were cold and decided to leave. We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging in the hotel, knitting and napping. I bet you can figure out who did what without me spelling it out for you.

margaritas margarita

Saturday evening we met Judy and her husband for dinner at Margaritas. It was the perfect way to end our day. Margaritas, burritos and good conversation!

NH Picnic Grove

On Sunday we headed back to the festival – simply because I wanted to see Kim. We met Kim and her husband, Ken, almost immediately upon arrival and spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon visiting and chatting and shopping. Are you sensing a theme here? It was sunny but cold and really windy and by 3 pm we hit the road for home.

dragon roll

We went out for dinner with the kids Sunday night – Chinese food for the rest of the family and sushi for me – talk about a win on Mother’s Day!  It was the perfect end to a perfect weekend!

Comments (21)

  1. It is 5:45 a.m., and I wish I knew where I could find some sushi…

    Glad you had a nice time in spite of the weather!

  2. I am sorry to have missed you on Saturday … sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, even if the weather didn’t feel like cooperating.

  3. That sounds like such a wonderful weekend! Will we get to see the results of your shopping? 🙂

  4. You really turned a potentially disappointing weekend into a wonderful one! Way to turn things around! Glad you had a great weekend. I’ve yet to attend a fiber event, but I sure hope I get an opportunity one day.

  5. It was weird, cold, and rainy here in Ohio, too. 85 on Friday, 45 on Saturday. Can’t imagine going to a sheep festival in that kind of weather. LOL! But the margarita and chips looks downright delicious!

  6. Looove your sushi dragon! Sorry the weather wasn’t more co-operative. If it helps, we’re expecting snow tomorrow.

  7. Sounds like a great weekend, despite the weather! I used to go to summer camp in Contoocook 🙂 Maybe next year I’ll be able to go with you!! Love the dragon sushi!!

  8. Looks like a great time even with the miserable weather Saturday.
    Are you going to show us your buys???? Haha!
    I think I am going to try to make it up here next year. It looks
    like fun and not nearly as overwhelming as the Maryland festival.

  9. Other than the rain, wind and cold, it sounds like a perfect weekend — and, even then, it seems that you made the best of everything!!

  10. It was a different festival for us too. It was productive because I didn’t waste alot of time shopping. If I liked something I just bought it. I was too soggy to waste time! I did miss seeing people that I normally do up there though.

    Ah…. next year.

  11. How funny – I had sushi on my way home on Saturday night! It was soooo good…

    As always, it was wonderful to see you and Dale! And, I got to hold Eloise!!!

  12. when i saw the rain on saturday morning, i remembered that one time we went when it rained and rained and rained and i was soaked to the skin and decided that driving 4 hours round trip for a repeat of that was not something i wanted to do. there’s always next year. but i’m sorry i missed you.

  13. I’m going to start a petition to have the dates changed on this fest. I want to go, but it’s definately NOT a daytrip for me and with it being Mother’s Day weekend, there’s no way I’ll ever be able to go.

    And the fact that it seems like the weather is so crappy this weekend every year…I don’t know. Maybe Mother Nature is trying to tell them something too?

  14. I, too, would like to see what tempted you in the fiber category. Sounds like it was much fun, and you got to play with two of my favorite peeps.

  15. I just love how you can take a blustery cold damp weekend, and turn it into something wonderful, cozy and fun!

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