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Graduation Quickie

I know you’re anxious to hear all about graduation but I’ve got 117 photographs to go through and process, a yard to clean up, and a lot of post-party relaxing to do. I promise a full recap, complete with photos, later this week but for now, I hope you will be satisfied with this:

Hannah at Graduation blog size

My girl at her graduation ceremony, with all her honor cords and a medal, too! The ceremony did wind up being inside but – are you ready – it never rained all day. Not during graduation, not at her party, not at all! I was so relieved!

Thank you all so much for the fair weather wishes, I know it made all the difference.

Comments (35)

  1. Congratulations Hannah and family!! What are honor cords (I am not familiar with them)? Clearly an accomplished young lady.

  2. Congratulatioins to Hannah and you have to be smitten with
    pride! Glad to hear the rain held off and can’t wait to hear
    more about the graduation and party.

  3. We had thunderstorms on and off all day, and I kept thinking of you all, and hoping it wasn’t worse to the south! SO relieved that things held off for your celebration.

    Congratulations, Hannah!!

  4. Congratulations Hannah!I’m so sorry I missed out on the party, but so glad the band of thunderstorms / tornado warnings never made into your area as forecasted.

  5. Yay for Hannah! I’m glad everything went well. How did Mom hold up?

    Can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures.

  6. Fantastic! Congratulations to Hannah! Please tell us all about her honor cords. What an accomplished young woman (and what an accomplished MOM!).

  7. Congratulations to Hannah … and to Mom for a fabulous party! We had such a wonderful time 🙂 After watching the news last night, you truly had luck and the weather Gods on your side!! A furious band of thunderstorms whipped through Boston & snapped a bunch of trees like twigs. All your knit-bloggers really came through 🙂

  8. I’m so happy the weather held for you. We had a wicked storm by us late in the day and I hoped it was clear for you. Congratulations on the graduation. I know how proud you are of her. What a huge accomplishment!

  9. She looks so beautiful!!! So glad that the weather held up — it was crazy up here with wind, thunder and lightening — I was keeping my fingers crossed that it didn’t come down to you!

  10. Gimme an H! …YaaaaaaAAAAAY, Hannah! (No, I was never a cheerleader. Can you imagine me cheerleading? I thought not. But I can pretend when the occasion warrants. Which this one does.)

    I did my part not only by sending no-rain wishes your way but by driving home from Maine yesterday through sporadic torrential downpours. I made it back in time for Grant’s vocal recital, and the llamas say ptui, which is llama for O HAI!

  11. It is such an awesome moment! Even though I went through it four times with ours, it still gave me chills to see this photo and think about how momentous it is for your little family:)

  12. Congratulations to your whole family, but especially to your beautiful daughter! Glad the collective effort of knitters paid off again.

  13. YAY!!!! No rain!!! We kept it all here in Ohio (really, we did!). Congratulations to Hannah and all of you – can’t wait to see the pictures!

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