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A Pleasant Weekend At Home

I had a pretty good weekend but like all weekends it went by too fast!

Table For Four blog size

On Friday we were fortunate to have our friends Kim (you may know her as Woolen Rabbit) and Ken over for dinner. They were in our neck of the woods to celebrate Kim’s birthday with a whale watch but we caught up with them and had a great night. We chatted and ate and really enjoyed each other’s company.

I also finished the epic wedding shawl, Fiori di Sole on Friday. I blocked it on Saturday and it took every pin I had and I probably could have used more. I took a few photos but hope to take more at the wedding next Sunday. I’ll show you pictures and give you details then.

Saturday night we had dinner at Lois and Don’s house. Once again it was great food and great company. I’m sensing a theme here and it’s a good one!

On Sunday Dale and I watched the Patriot’s football game. If you know me well you know that I have never been a big fan of football. Nevertheless, I am determined to understand the game and see what all the fuss is about. I have to say that watching this game was probably the first time I ever really “got it” and I kind of enjoyed it, too. I did some knitting and some snacking and it made for a very pleasant afternoon.

My only question now is how the hell did it get to be Monday so soon?

Comments (19)

  1. Since you have gotten the “hang” of football, Monday night is up next speedy quick for just you in order to watch more -lol.

    Glad your weekend was packed with so much fun.

  2. I get football, but in my house, it starts at noon on Sunday and goes all night, so I tire of it quickly.

    I know, speedy weekend. *sigh* I’m off to DC tonight and no time for a trip to the yarn shops! wah!

  3. I was just saying that of all the televised sports, football has been enhanced by technology. The colored lines and marked downs make for a very understandable sport to watch. I’m glad you had both a fun and relaxing weekend! Let’s hope the week goes as quickly.

  4. We had so much fun visiting with you and Dale this weekend :)!

    I have to admit I am a football junkie….love it! The Pats looked really good yesterday, it could be a fun season to watch.:)

  5. I love football – only because it gives me a good excuse to sit on the couch during the cold weather and knit. I do sneak an earbud in my ear and listen to a podcast or two while I’m watching, but who’s gonna rat me out???

    Glad you had a nice weekend. And yes – they go by way to fast!!

  6. Yay football!! I’m making it my goal to watch the whole Patriots season…maybe by the Super Bowl I will be less confused…

  7. Knitting and snacking are my favorite parts of football. 🙂 It sounds like a wonderful weekend! What did you make for dinner on Friday?

  8. I took today off and I am SO glad I did. Tomorrow will come soon enough, however. It sounds like your weekend was wonderful and the memories will get you through the work week. oxox

  9. Sounds like a great weekend. I like watching football, but I get really tense – which is why knitting is the perfect accompaniment!

  10. nice weekend with friends!
    football is a very fun game – and unlike baseball, I’ve always thought that football was easier to watch on TV than live – the instant replays are great fun. Fall football games are one of the only reasons I sometimes miss having a TV. (not every weekend, and not every game, but you know what I mean)

  11. I’m so glad you finished the shawl! I knew you could do it. I’m proud of you for giving football a go. Although, you might want to watch a better team play. :p

  12. There are an awful lot of Mondays in the calendar. I am assured that about 1/7 of our lives is spent on Monday. It seems like a lot more.

    I’m the quintessential fair-weather fan. For some reason I didn’t watch the game yesterday, and I regret it. I don’t really understand football — well, I kind of do, it’s rather like wizard chess with very brawny pieces — but I will admit that I enjoy watching it.

  13. That sounds like a wonderful weekend! I’ve seen more football than i care to admit to and I hate to admit that it started making sense to me long ago but I still hate it and I’m pretty sure I always will.

  14. A-ha! So that’s where the football theme came from! LOL! Love the flowers on your table and am still laughing about Dale’s comment on the square plates. I think our husbands must be separated at birth. I know mine would probably say the same thing.

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