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A Friend In Need

I had planned to post today about attending the Jimmy Buffett Concert last Saturday with my friends Jo-Ann and her husband Shawn, and Anne and her husband, Tom. I was going to tell you how we dressed as pirates and drank pirate punch and had an all around fantastic time. But then Tuesday I got word that my dear friend, Tom, husband of my dear friend, Anne, was in a serious car accident. And when I went to write this post all I could think about was this great picture I took of Tom on Saturday.

He was a great pirate while we tailgated and we all had a super good time together. And now he’s got a serious injury to his back and is in lots and lots of pain. He’s going to be okay in time, though, and, frankly, he’s a remarkably lucky man. I’m trying not to dwell on the fact that he could have been killed because I’ve been down that road with my own husband and it’s a thought that just takes your breath right away. And I’m trying not to think about him being in a lot of pain even though I know that to be the case. What I’m trying to dwell on is his smile and his great sense of humor, his overwhelming love and dedication to his family, his strength, and also the fact that he’s probably my best guy friend in the whole wide world.

We all know the power of prayer, the power of positive thinking, and the power of knit bloggers. Any good and healing thoughts you could send in my friend Tom’s direction are so gratefully appreciated. Thank you.

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Sending prayers for a speedy and full recovery his way and
    you keep those positive thoughts also!

  2. It’s scary how life can change in a second. I am praying for him and his family and grateful that he will be in a pirate costume again! Peace to you all.

  3. Tom is quite possibly the best. pirate. ever. So very thankful that he is not more seriously hurt!

  4. Life can change so quickly. I hope his pain lessens and he makes a good recovery. Thoughts to him and family.

  5. Tom and his family are on my prayer list too. Donna is right. Chaos is everywhere and we’re blessed when it touches us infrequently.

    (I’m shaking my fist at that darn “Mayhem”.)

  6. You and your friends have such talent for seizing the moment and balancing fun, family and work. I believe that these qualities, along with everyone’s prayers and positive energy, will lead to a positive outcome. Love to all of you.

  7. Great picture – I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Glad that he is alive and will heal in time.

  8. Arrrrrr! Get well soon in Pirate Speak. Rest up, listen to the doctors, if they say rest – do it! Don’t learn the hard way, they ain’t joking! Be strong everyone else cx

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