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Ten On Tuesday
I know that some bloggers have been doing Thankful Thursday posts and expressing their gratitude throughout this month but I haven’t done any of that myself yet and here we are at the last Ten on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. It seems like just the right time to talk about the 10 Things For Which I Am Thankful.
- Dale. Of course, always and forever at the top of my list.
- My immediate and extended family. Not just my Hannah but my step children and their children, my brothers and sisters through Dale, my father-in-law and, especially this year, my cousins Len and Lisa and their family – which is my family, too.
- Friends who encourage me. I have made some major changes in my life this year and I couldn’t have done it without the love and support of these friends. When I thought I couldn’t change, they told me I could and they never let me down. You know who you are and I just want to say: thank you.
- Running. Who ever thought this would show up on a list of mine? But I am thankful for the ability to run. I am able to do this 3-4 times per week and I’m relatively pain free and I know from hearing the stories of my friends and the injuries they suffer that I am privileged to be in this position.
- The YMCA. It is so close to my house and it’s a friendly and welcoming place. I was a member years ago but I used to just go in, walk on the treadmill for a bit, and leave. This time I’ve gotten involved with a personal trainer and I’ve gotten to know the fitness staff and it’s made a world of difference. I feel like a part of the community there and that makes it much nicer to go and do my work outs.
- Bizzy, my personal trainer. I wouldn’t be nearly as fit and strong as I am right now if it weren’t for her and I’m grateful to have her in my life.
- My camera. I got a snazzy new camera last year right before Christmas and it is a joy to work with, plus it connects me with all of you.
- A new car. Okay, I’ve had my new Subaru since last February but I still get a lot of joy driving her around. The gas mileage is nice, too!
- Meaningful work. Kym and I were discussing this yesterday. Of course I’m grateful to have a job and a paycheck but I’m also thankful that my job gives meaning to my life. Putting the right book into the hands of a patron, answering someone’s question correctly, assembling and delivering Thanksgiving baskets, it’s all good and important work and I’m proud to do it.
- Enough to eat. Frankly, I’ve had more than enough to eat for a lot of years and that led to the problems I’ve been addressing this year. Nevertheless, I am so thankful that I have never had to deal with food insecurity since this is now something I see on a daily basis.
There is much more in my life that I am thankful for, of course, but those are the things on my mind today. If you’ve written a blog post to go along with today’s topic please click the button below to add a link to your post. If you’d like to subscribe to Ten on Tuesday emails, please click here.
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I’m thankful for my new Subaru too! Happy Thanksgiving!
Carole, I am so thankful to have you in my circle of friends! I wish you much peace and happiness during this holiday week. (And your list is simply inspiring!)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Carole!
We are a very fortunate lot. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend. It is because of you and your friendship that I come to blogland every day. I’m very happy to count you as a IRL friend too!!
We definitely are Blessed, and I am very thankful that we (finally) met and became friends. I simply cannot imagine my life without you!
We are all very blessed indeed!
I am so fortunate to have you as a friend. I wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving. Lets hope that we have just as much to be thankful for in the coming year.
I am grateful for your blog, Carole and the wonderful stories you share (as well as FO’s). Happy Thanksgiving!
What a wonderful list, and I love all of the exercise happiness you’ve got on there. It is something to be so thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Carole. Love the mantle!
Not surprised in the least with a bunch of these, I’m so happy that you’re doing so well with your changes! Whoohoo! And I’m very thankful that you posted a photo of your Mason. Sweet boy. Have a GREAT holiday, Carole!
Perfect topic for this week… it truly made me sit and think!
Happy Thanksgiving Carole….
your list is lovely. i love the cat on the couch too
a perfect mix of serious and not-so-much…and a wonderful reminder of all the many ways we are blessed. glad you counted running in your list this year. it’s been a blessing in mine since I was 20. (whoa, yes, 30 years!). please know what a blessing you are in my life, carole. thank you and have a wonderful thanksgiving!
Great list. You are a wonderful writer. I often find myself thinking, yeah, me too! Thanks for sharing…again. You care about the important things in life. Your mantle and cat are lovely. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Your list is wonderful. Like you, I am so grateful for putting myself on the path to better help – and YOU had a lot to do with it, so YOU are on my list!
Geesh – that should read “health” not “help” though there were a plethora of “helpers” along the way!
That’s a wonderful list, Carole! I bought a brand new car in 2000 and still thought of it as my “new car” years later! I wish you the same for your Subaru. 😉 Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Carole! Enjoy spending time with your awesome family!