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Ten On Tuesday

Tomorrow is May 1st and surely surely that means that it will actually start to feel like spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Right? Because April was cold around here and it definitely didn’t feel very spring like. We’re waving goodbye to April, though, and saying hullo to May with this week’s Ten on Tuesday topic: 10 Things I’m Looking Forward to in the Month of May.

  1. Frank Harlow Day. It’s the one Civil War event I still do and Dale runs it and it’s this coming Saturday. Dare I say it: the weather sounds okay. Chilly but not raining and that’s a freakin’ miracle.
  2. Graduations and parties. There’s one on our radar and I’m looking forward to it very much.
  3. Cocktails and dinner on our deck. We pushed it a little last weekend and sat outside but it was a bit too cold to enjoy it for long.
  4. Memorial Day Weekend. I know, I know, it’s not until the month is practically over but I love me a Monday holiday.
  5. Extra money in my paycheck. There are 5 Thursdays in May and that means I get a week without a deduction for my health insurance. Woot!
  6. Watching my perennial garden come to life. I’ve got loads of grape hyacinth right now along with violets and ground phlox. The peonies are coming up and so are the daylilies. It’s my favorite time of Β year for perennials.
  7. Edging, mulching, planting. I’m particularly looking forward to it because this year I have hired someone else to do it!
  8. Taking the roof off the Jeep and going for a ride.
  9. Sandals, bare legs and regular pedicures. Also – no more jackets!
  10. Fires in the fire pit.

How about you? What are you looking forward to in May? If you wrote a blog post to go along with today’s topic be sure and include your link. And if you want to receive the Ten on Tuesday topic via email every Monday then click here to subscribe.

Comments (15)

  1. Lots of good things heading your way in May, Carole! Enjoy Frank Harlow Day! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for great weather and a wonderful day.

  2. I’m looking forward to open windows, dinner on the patio and daily sandal wearing! Time to wash the socks and put them away for the summer. May is a great month. Our flowers are a little ahead of yours and they’re in full force bloom!

  3. We’re going to Edinburgh to see our daughter in 3 weeks and then spend 3 weeks in Scotland, Ireland and Paris. I look forward to seeing her as it will have been 5 months since she left for her semester abroad and I also look forward to seeing the landscapes of Scotland and Ireland, never having been to either of them before.

    I’m glad the weather is looking good for Saturday. Have fun!

  4. Today seems more like AUGUST already! Woke to a thunderstorm and the forecast is for 80+. Ca-razy!! But I am looking forward to May and hope that things even out a bit…

    Happy May!

  5. Just being able to spend time outside is making me happy these days. I think all of us have a bit of cabin fever after this past winter.

  6. May may lurch into Colorado with five inches of snow! Thank goodness it has been warm and will melt quickly. Nonetheless, your list is so relateable! Except we don’t have Frank Harlow day. My youngest brother and his wife are coming for Memorial Day–woot!

  7. Great list! I love me a Monday holiday, too. Add in my birthday and spring weather, and I think May is my favorite month of the year. πŸ™‚

  8. Such a positive subject and so inspiring after THIS WINTER. We don’t get a holiday between Jan 1 and Memorial Day, so bring it on! πŸ˜‰

  9. The link thing isn’t working, and the links from other people aren’t showing up.

    But I did want to say yes, yes, yes to pedicures!

  10. And, on the umpteenth try, the link thing is working. . . I think that the internet gods were trying to tell me to do some work, lol!

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