It's time to put the fall session of Read With Us behind us and that…
Morning Glory Twins
On Friday I mentioned that the days of flower photography will be ending sooner than I’d certainly care to consider. I’m really trying, in these waning days of summer (and yes, my friends it is still summer until this Sunday) to be aware of my surroundings and to revel in the warmth of the sun and the beauty of my garden.
So last Wednesday after work, when I looked out my kitchen window and saw these twin morning glory buds, I grabbed the camera and my macro lens and started clicking away. I’m so glad I captured them when I did – sometimes I think morning glory buds are even prettier than morning glory flowers.
Then again, the flowers those buds became by Thursday morning were pretty spectacular, too.
I’m going to miss summer very much.
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Thank you – I’d never seen the Morning Glory in bud before.
Stunning! Excellent view for a Monday!
Those are absolutely gorgeous! I don’t remember ever seeing morning glories in bud form, they’re so pretty 🙂
I love Morning Glories. I even like their name. I love the various intense colors they display.
Beautiful! The weather is changing…we had our first frost overnight.
I have never seen a Morning Glory bud. It is exquisite. Thank you for sharing.
The colors in both the buds and the blossoms are stunning! So muted in the bud, so vivid in the flower. What a joy to see.
I do love Morning Glories.
You are right the bud is exquisite!
Really lovely! I had no idea the buds were so beautiful. Happy new week, Carole!
it is hard to believe those tight spirals blossom like they do! thank you for the “eye candy Monday”!
Oh! Those buds! I often think buds are the Best Part. Until they bloom. And then that’s pretty spectacular, too!