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Eye Candy Friday

summer bouquet for carole knits

This pretty little bouquet is just one of the 20 bouquets I’ve got for the big event that’s being held tomorrow night. And now that it’s almost here I will tell you the occasion: it’s my installation as President of the Kiwanis Club of East Bridgewater. It also happens to be my 48th birthday and I’m so excited about celebrating with my friends, family and fellow Kiwanians. And just wait until you see all the fun things we created as part of our theme for the night – favors and decorations and special cupcake designs and more! Now I just have to hope it all goes off without a hitch. Heh.

Have a great weekend, my friends!


Comments (20)

  1. Beautiful flower arrangements! Congrats and have a wonderful birthday too tomorrow! Looking forward to the photo evidence of both celebrations.

  2. This will be a birthday to remember, for sure! Have a wonderful one, and know I will be thinking of you! Congratulations!

  3. Of course it’ll go off without a hitch … the Kiwanis Gods wouldn’t dare ruin your party 😉

  4. Wishing you a wonderful birthday and installation celebration! What a weekend you’re going to have. Topped off at 1:00 Sunday – Go Pats!

  5. No hitches allowed! You could have a stellar career in event planning, so I just know this one will be spectacular. Congratulations to you, Carole. And the happiest of birthdays as well! 🙂

  6. Happy birthday and kudos to the Kiwanis Club for choosing such a capable leader! Enjoy every moment of your weekend!

  7. Happy birthday! A party with dancing, decorations, flowers and cupcakes sounds great! This year might be hard to top.

  8. Congratulations Carole and I hope you had a great time! Sending you belated Happy Birthday wishes and many
    more to come!!

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