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Wednesdays Are For Knitting: Rhombi Sweater

Let me just say, right up front: I finished this sweater so long ago that I barely remember knitting it! I had to go to my Ravelry page to look for details (pattern is Rhombi, yarn is Plain and Fancy sport) and what picture did I see on my project page for this:

carole knitting in mexico for carole knits

That’s me – duh – knitting this sweater while in Mexico – sigh.  Seriously. I started it on March 24th and I finished it on July 4th and I blocked it in September when the humidity dropped enough that I figured the thing actually had a shot of drying before turning moldy. And then it sat on the back of the chair in our bedroom until Monday. I didn’t wear it and I didn’t photograph it – it just sat waiting.

So on Monday, as Dale and I were preparing to go out for a ride and then some dinner, I got inspired and I put it on. My hair looked okay,  my make up was done, and the light was rather lovely. I handed Dale the camera and asked him to take some shots. The difficulty of the mug photo shoot was still fresh in both of our minds so I think Dale really made the effort and rose to the occasion.

rhombi sweater full shot for carole knits

There’s this great shot of the entire sweater.

rhombi sweater back detail for carole knits

And a nice detail shot of the back.

rhombi sweater edge detail for carole knits

He captured the edging nicely in this one.

rhombi sweater front for carole knits

And I kind of like the way he cut off my head – but not my smile – in this photo.

rhombi sweater ta da

There’s also, of course, the classic ta-da shot.

I felt a bit like we were taking photos for the high school year book except that back then I didn’t have wrinkles. Or glasses. Nevertheless, the photos show off the sweater nicely and I think Dale did a bang up job.

If he keeps this up I’m going to have to make him his own watermark.


Comments (22)

  1. Very cute sweater, and look how the color of the sweater blends with the color of the leaves behind you, especially in the first and last shots!

  2. Lovely sweater! (And I think after this photo shoot, Dale does deserve his own watermark!) I think that one can’t help but be beautiful when you’re looking at the one you love!

  3. What wrinkles? The only ones I see are about your beautiful smile. I really like this sweater…even bought the pattern. Maybe I ought to get going.

  4. I can’t believe you can keep a finished sweater around for months without wearing it! (especially when it’s as cute as this one!) Dale did a great job on the FO photos…but my favorite is still the Mexico one 🙂

  5. Nice!

    (and hi! … finally got my iPad updated, feedly app working, yadayadayada… we’ll see if I have time for reading blogs still… I can’t get into mine easily, so I haven’t been posting at all)

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