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Eight Happy Years

sunflower and tulip bouquet for carole knits

Yesterday was the 8th anniversary of Carole Knits. 8 years. 8 years? 8 years!

When I started this blog Hannah was 13. Now she’s 21 and a senior in college. She works at a school and drives a Volvo and is practically a genuine grown up.

When I started this blog I had only been knitting for a few years. My production was high but my skills were . . . well. Now I feel confident that I can tackle just about anything knitting related.

When I started this blog I had a cheap point and shoot camera. Now I have a full frame DSLR plus a back up camera that’s excellent. I take photos every single day and cringe when I see the ones I used to post here.

When I started this blog I had knit 10 pairs of socks. Now it’s a significantly higher number.

When I started this blog I still reenacted regularly. I quilted a lot, too. Now I only do one reenactment a year and I quilt, well, almost never.

When I started this blog I mostly talked about knitting. And Mason. Now I talk about knitting and photography, cooking and vacations, family and friends, and life.

When I started this blog (and here comes the most important part) I had never met another blogger. I hadn’t been to a Sheep & Wool Festival. I hadn’t been to Utah or SPA. I hadn’t made wonderful, real life friends or acquired the best group of readers a blogger ever had. Now, though, now I have done all of those things and more. It’s been a fantastic ride so far and I’m not giving up anytime soon.

So, on my 8th anniversary of blogging, I want to shout a hale and hearty thanks to all of you. Thanks for reading, thanks for commenting, thanks for caring and thanks for sticking around. I wouldn’t want to do any of this without you guys.

Comments (55)

  1. Congratulations and THANKS! Love your blog – your writing and photography are top notch and I so enjoy how you share such wonderful bits of your life!

  2. Congratulations!
    Knitting is such a great conversation starter. You can talk about it for years and years and years and never get tired.

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