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Wednesdays Are For Knitting

Have you seen this? You can find out your Ravelry number. I knew mine would be low and I was right – #31.

Ravelry Number For Carole Knits


What’s your Ravelry number??

Comments (19)

  1. December 17, 2007
    I remember waiting for my invite to join and being so excited when I got it. Ravelry has totally changed what I knit and opened up so many opportunities and possibilities. Plus I’ve met so many wonderful people who have truly become friends that I never would have met otherwise.

  2. I was seeing this on Twitter yesterday, but didn’t know how to find it. #73122, which is funny, because I really resisted for what seemed a long time. Why? Well, yes, it has the ability to eat up a lot of time. At least I was smart enough to see that train coming before I joined. ;^)

  3. Wow, Carole! How did you find out about ravelry? My number, BTW, is 11,533. I can’t believe it’s been 7 years.

  4. Hello from #136. Many of us joined without knowing what Rav really was, or what it had to offer. Pretty cool it’s on of the most amazing data bases ever built.

  5. Wow, you are early. Were you really into knitting blogs back then? That’s how I heard of Ravelry….

    All my profile says is I’ve been a Ravelry November 7, 2007. I don’t have a number, though. Is there something special I have to do to make the number show up?

  6. Wow – you really do have a low number! I’m #4884. I remember waiting for what seemed like an eternity to get my invite! It’s amazing how much Ravelry has become part of our knitting life.

  7. Alright…this won’t work at work but it better at home! I predict under 500. We’ll see! 😉

  8. Wow, that was fun. I’m 2109. I remember being on the beta waiting list. Fun.

  9. I joined only a couple of months after you . . . and I’m #11638! I remember waiting at least a week (maybe two!) for my invitation. It was all such an adventure!

  10. Being as techno-challenged as I am, I couldn’t get it to work, either. However, I have been a Rav member since November 3, 2007. I really wasn’t too excited about Ravelry in the beginning, but I use it daily now. Especially since I work in my LYS.

  11. Number 14669 here. I remember waiting for an invitation and then being out of town for three weeks and having limited dial up and missing my window of opportunity somehow and having to get another invitation. I am so glad that I did and can’t believe that it’s been seven years!

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