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Ten On Tuesday

I think the idea for this week’s Ten on Tuesday came from something I saw on Facebook. I can’t remember where I saw it or who posted it – as is so often the case with things I see there – but I remember instantly thinking this would work for us. What’s the topic, you ask? 10 Musicians I Would Bring Back from the Dead.

Hard Rock Cafe

  1. John Lennon. For Dale.
  2. Freddie Mercury. I’d like him to see that we would do better by him now. Plus, Bohemian Rhapsody.
  3. Frank Sinatra. For my father-in-law. He loves When I Was Seventeen. I think it’s just depressing but it makes Jack happy so I play it for him.
  4. John Denver. I have always felt that we got robbed when John Denver was killed in that plane crash. He had more music to make for us and I wish he’d gotten the chance.
  5. Johnny Cash. Do you think the first thing he’d say is, “hello, I’m Johnny Cash”?
  6. Michael Jackson. The King of Pop should live forever.
  7. Mary Travers. I always always wanted to go see Peter, Paul and Mary but I never got the chance.
  8. Luciano Pavarotti. Because La Donna E Mobile.
  9. Mozart. I think talking to him would be a trip.
  10. Jim Morrison. That’s if he’s really dead, of course. Plus, I think it would be cool to see him grow into an old man.

I’m grateful for the music they all gave us when they could.

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Comments (18)

  1. I love that you’re so considerate in wanting to bring back musicians for others. Hello to Jim Morrison if he’s reading our lists!

  2. I had such a hard time limiting myself to 10 musicians! And . . . I considered every single one of the musicians on your list. XO

  3. I know he’s become a cliché, but Elvis would be on my list—not Las Vegas drug addicted Elvis, but young, sexy motorcycle riding Elvis. One of my dad’s buddies was stationed in Germany with Elvis when he was in the service. Red could sing a little and play a few chords on the guitar, and Elvis just wanted someone he could jam with. I would love to hear that Elvis sing gospel and blues.

  4. Jimmi Hendrix, Janis, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Grace Slick, Jerry Garcia. And of course George Harrison.

  5. I mourn these great musicians who died young: Jeff Buckley, Sandy Denny, Johnny Cunningham, Jim Croce. They all live on through their music. Our knitting also leaves a legacy.

  6. Carole, this could be named Tears on Tuesday. These talents are so sorely missed. I would add Janis Joplin and Patsy Klein.

  7. How on earth did I miss Freddy Mercury and John Lennon, especially Freddy Mercury? They were geniuses! Great topic, Carole 🙂

  8. Reading everyone’s lists has been very interesting. I haven’t gotten to Kym’s post yet…I bet she could do 20 instead of 10! 🙂

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