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Ten On Tuesday

Are you busy? I am. I’ve got lots done, like the peppermint patties pictured below, but our Christmas Eve party is tomorrow night and there’s lots to do to get ready for that. All of this stuff doesn’t leave a lot of time for blogging – but – this Ten on Tuesday thing is my responsibility and I wouldn’t want to let all of the participants done. I figure everyone has a to-do list right now and it would be pretty easy to just cut and paste that list into a blog post and call it a day. So, today’s Ten on Tuesday topic is 10 Things On My To Do List. Quick and dirty, guys, with my apologies.

peppermints for carole knits

  1. Grocery shop.
  2. Make Swedish Meatballs.
  3. Get beer. (No worries, I’ve already got a healthy supply of red wine, white wine and champagne.)
  4. Make baked macaroni & cheese.
  5. Make crabbies.
  6. Make cranberry cake.
  7. Cook chicken for chicken salad. Mix up tuna salad. Stuff finger sandwiches.
  8. Set up the buffet table and bar for the Christmas Eve party.
  9. Make a cheese ball.
  10. Finish a knitting project. I can’t say what and I probably won’t get it done for Christmas but I’m going to give it a good effort.

Guess what? That’s not all of it! It’s all good, though, because I love to entertain our family and friends on this holiday. Be sure and add a link to your post below. If you want to subscribe to the weekly Ten on Tuesday email please click here.

Comments (13)

  1. PEPPERMINT PATTIES???? Is that CHOCOLATE on the top of those??? I’d love that recipe if it’s not a closely-guarded secret… 🙂

    Your list is similar to mine and I’m not having a party! No matter how well I plan there are always last-minute items on my list… it’s part of the excitement for me! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  2. Your to-do list looks a little like mine. I did my shopping yesterday because I have two of my sweet granddaughters with me today. We’re going to an early show of Annie, and then they will help me do some chores this afternoon. Their big sister is having surgery today and we are keeping busy so we don’t worry! Have a wonderful holiday. Thank you for making my mornings more fun with your blog.

  3. Good thing it’s almost lunch time… I’m getting hungry reading all of these lists!!
    I know you’ll have a wonderful party!
    Happy Holidays.

  4. this was a fun topic – it’s so fun to take a peek into what everyone has “saved” til the end. your list looks delicious…as do those cookies!

  5. Do not add to your list by answering–you are so sweet about that. Goodness, it sounds like you are entertaining an army! You amaze me–doing all that party prep and your luminous smile (and I am guessing a hearty laugh) will be right in the the middle of the festivities. merry Christmas!

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