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Hullo, is it really Monday morning already? That weekend went by with a woosh! Here’s a laundry list of the things I did to help explain how quickly it seemed to pass.

chocolate chip cookie reeses bars for carole knits

  • On Friday I got up early and went to the gym. Thanks to a kick in the ass from my friend Anne I pushed myself to start running again. 5 minute intervals of walking/slow running felt really good.
  • I did my usual Friday errands (grocery store, bank, drugstore) and some chores around the house.
  • I watched Parenthood. I’m so sad this show is ending and I think every episode left is going to leave me crying and emotionally wrought.
  • I spent a perfect evening with Dale. I cooked swordfish for him (salmon for me, thankyouverymuch) and we listened to music (since it’s all Christmas music around here from the day after Thanksgiving until the day after Christmas it was nice to get back to some of our regular stuff) and we danced. In the kitchen, of course, but in the living room, too. I treasure those type of nights, I’ll tell you.
  • On Saturday I got ready for company for the Pats play off game. I made white chicken chili, those brownies pictured above (so simple, just a tub of cookie dough pressed into a 9×9 pan and then topped with Reese’s peanut butter cups), deviled eggs and crabbies.
  • We took a quick trip to Best Buy where I bought a heavier duty case for my new iPhone 6 (because last week I dropped and shattered the screen on the first one, sigh) and we looked into Sonos wireless speakers for our house. I have a pretty good idea of what we need now and I’m excited about getting these.
  • We watched the Pats/Ravens game with our awesome friends Doreen and Mark. It was a nail biter but we pulled it off! We drank lots of beer thanks to our guests generosity and some growlers from Cape Cod Beer.
  • We played Cards Against Humanity into the wee hours. We laughed and laughed until we ached and that’s the best kind of laughter.
  • Sunday we had a big breakfast together before Doreen and Mark went home.
  • I played Mario Kart, working on that goal of all gold medals.
  • We had an early evening dinner at a new-to-us place while watching the first half of the Broncos/Colts game.
  • We came home and watched the rest of the game while playing Quiddler. I beat Dale again but he’s getting better so I’m going to have to up my game.
  • We snuggled on the couch and watched some more TV.

It was a very good weekend but I need to find a way to slow down time and make weekends like that last a little longer.

Comments (13)

  1. I’m actually glad for the ice/freezing rain/wintry mix we’re currently getting; if the roads were dry I might have to make a frantic trip to the grocery store for cookie dough and peanut butter cups. Glad you had such a great weekend!

  2. If you didn’t have so much fun the weekends would drag by. You know how to pack in a whole lot of good stuff into 3 days. Everyone could learn from you on how to enjoy the weekend to full advantage.

  3. What a great weekend! And crabbies…I’ll have to make them for the big game next weekend. Here’s to a week that flies by just as fast!

  4. We watched football too…just different teams. The NDSU Bison won their 4th in a row championship in Frisco, TX. It too was a nail biter. And then, because 2nd DS and DDIL had tickets and were at the game, we watched the Green Bay/Dallas game. Lotsa good football this weekend! We didn’t have all the yummy food that you had though!! 😀

  5. Sounds like a perfect weekend, and those brownies look fantastic! And you will love the Sonos speakers; I got some Play 1s for Christmas, and we’ve been having a ball playing with all our music (which we recently recovered from a variety of external hard drives and old laptops-woohoo!) and discovering new Pandora channels.

  6. I’m sorry that you wasted time on the Broncos/Colts game–what a stinker! Ah well, by August my broken heart will be mended and ready for a new season. Congratulations to the Pats!

  7. Okay, at what temp and how long did you cook those brownies??? I think that’s a perfect little treat for my daughter and her roommates… (not me unfortunately – GOTTA lose weight!) I second that you will love the Sonos system… I started with the Play Bar and have continued to add to my ‘collection’… it’s nice to be able to switch from TV to iTunes or SiriusXM and have music in the whole house!!! 🙂

  8. The weekends always fly by, don’t they? We nearly had a panic attack watching the Patriots…and it will be football most of this week in our house! Your brownies look fabulous – will make them for the Super Bowl to celebrate a Patriots’ win!
    Love to play cards – haven’t tried Quidler or Cards Against Humanity yet so thanks for the suggestions! I especially love your book lists…please keep them coming from time to time! And yes, my husband starts to play Christmas music in mid-November and just recently switched over. Stick a fork in me…I’m done until next year!

  9. dancing in the kitchen… I need Dale to talk to Marc 🙂 (I could maybe give Dale some Quiddler tips? it’s one of the few games my family plays that I can occasionally win – I like it because I don’t need to count cards…and I can knit in between turns) Happy Monday!!!

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