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Eye Candy Friday

anniversary roses 2015 for carole knitsA pretty photo of the roses Dale got me for our anniversary last Sunday. I call it 18 years and a dozen roses. Those of you who are Kathy Mattea fans will get it.

It’s the weekend and I am ready for some rest and relaxation. Make it a good one, friends.

Comments (9)

  1. Aww – such pretty roses for a special occasion. Have a great weekend and a very happy Fathers Day to Dale!

  2. I’ve been missing out–luscious strawberries, the trip down memory lane, and beautiful roses to celebrate another year of wedded bliss. Thanks, Carole, and have a great weekend!

  3. Love this song and love your roses! My one brother’s name is Charlie and he used to drive a truck – LOL!

    Linda in VA

  4. I didn’t know the song, but googling the lyrics showed me that I should! Lovely roses and happy weekend!

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