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Through The Loops Mystery Shawl, 2015

Waaaaaaay back in June of 2015 I cast on for the Through The Loops Mystery Shawl. I always love Kirsten’s designs and I truly enjoy knitting lace so it seemed like a no brainer. And I enjoyed the hell out of knitting it. I didn’t do the greatest job keeping up with the weekly releases but I did knit steadily and I finally finished in . . . wait for it . . . September. And then it languished. It languished to the point where I sort of It languished to the point where it actually has a real name now, Liz Christy, and it isn’t just called a mystery shawl. Truly, it languished until this January when I decided I needed to take stock of the knitting I did in 2015 and I realized I never blocked this shawl. Last week on that unexpected afternoon off I finally gave the shawl a good soak and pinned it out on my blocking mats.

ttl mystery shawl 2015 for carole knits

And it’s big. Bigger than I thought it might be so my blocking was not severe at all.

ttl mystery shawl 2 for carole knits

And it’s beautiful. I went with one color because I’m kind of over the two color shawl thing at the moment. I don’t regret this decision at all.

ttl mystery shawl 4 for carole knits

This yarn is gorgeous and it is Woolen Rabbit Airy. The color is Through the Looking Glass. I love it so much I have bought it from Kim twice now. And not on purpose either. I’m sharp like that.

ttl mystery shawl 3 for carole knits

Now that it’s blocked I can’t wait to wear it all wrapped around my neck, keeping me cozy and all. I just wonder why I waited so long.

Comments (22)

  1. Too funny! I’ve even bought the same weaving pamphlet twice…..I agree on the two color thing. Isn’t that……..a blue shawl?

  2. Love it! I really like your one-color version — and especially in Through the Looking Glass – which (I think; or at least lately) is my favorite of Kim’s colorways. (It was one of the colors I used in the last Romi mystery.) It looks stunning there on your white railing, with a bit of snow in the background. Lovely.

  3. Your shawl is lovely in one color, very elegant. I love my Liz Christy in Airy, but I’m very happy with the way my two colors worked. Through the Looking Glass is my favorite Kim color!!

  4. Worth waiting for! I like the multiple colors in small doses, but single colors really suit my short frame better most of the time. Good choice.

  5. Oooooh! It looks SO pretty in a solid color! I think that this has been my most favorite shawl to knit. Never once did I feel bored with any part of it.

  6. Whatever your reasons for waiting, this is one beautiful shawl well worth waiting for! I really love your choice of one color and can imagine how cozy it’s going to feel. Enjoy!

  7. It’s beautiful Carole. I love the color you chose and I think one color worked well. May it keep you warm on these chilly days!

  8. It’s STUNNING! I love the color and it does look really light and airy. I’ll bet it gets a lot of wear these next few months – enjoy it!

  9. That is STUNNING! I joined that KAL too but ended up ripping it out. I didn’t like the way my 2 colors looked together once the 2nd color was finally added and I didn’t have a 2nd skein of of the Skinny Bugga I was using. I have to say that I adore your color. In fact I am knitting a sweater right now in Kim’s Emma base in Through the Looking Glass. It’s such a beautiful color <3

  10. That is beautiful, and I love the color – was even thinking “that looks like a Woolen Rabbit yarn” before I began reading. I’d have bought it twice too. 🙂

  11. Gorgeous! I am so with you on the one color–too many of the twos look gimmicky instead of elegant and classy like this one.

    P.S. You might know that the day I spent no time online would be the debut of this lovely piece of knitting!

  12. Pretty! I just picked mine up again. I’m on the edging which actually goes surprisingly fast.

  13. Ooooh. I love it. The color is gorgeous (like, I want some gorgeous) and the pattern is very delicate and lovely. I haven’t knit any lace in a long time. Maybe something to add to my 2016 to-do list.

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