Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
Through The Loops Mystery Shawl, 2015
Waaaaaaay back in June of 2015 I cast on for the Through The Loops Mystery Shawl. I always love Kirsten’s designs and I truly enjoy knitting lace so it seemed like a no brainer. And I enjoyed the hell out of knitting it. I didn’t do the greatest job keeping up with the weekly releases but I did knit steadily and I finally finished in . . . wait for it . . . September. And then it languished. It languished to the point where I sort of It languished to the point where it actually has a real name now, Liz Christy, and it isn’t just called a mystery shawl. Truly, it languished until this January when I decided I needed to take stock of the knitting I did in 2015 and I realized I never blocked this shawl. Last week on that unexpected afternoon off I finally gave the shawl a good soak and pinned it out on my blocking mats.
And it’s big. Bigger than I thought it might be so my blocking was not severe at all.
And it’s beautiful. I went with one color because I’m kind of over the two color shawl thing at the moment. I don’t regret this decision at all.
This yarn is gorgeous and it is Woolen Rabbit Airy. The color is Through the Looking Glass. I love it so much I have bought it from Kim twice now. And not on purpose either. I’m sharp like that.
Now that it’s blocked I can’t wait to wear it all wrapped around my neck, keeping me cozy and all. I just wonder why I waited so long.
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Too funny! I’ve even bought the same weaving pamphlet twice…..I agree on the two color thing. Isn’t that……..a blue shawl?
That is absolutely gorgeous Carole! That color is so pretty.
Love it! I really like your one-color version — and especially in Through the Looking Glass – which (I think; or at least lately) is my favorite of Kim’s colorways. (It was one of the colors I used in the last Romi mystery.) It looks stunning there on your white railing, with a bit of snow in the background. Lovely.
Your shawl is lovely in one color, very elegant. I love my Liz Christy in Airy, but I’m very happy with the way my two colors worked. Through the Looking Glass is my favorite Kim color!!
THAT is a beautiful shawl. I like the one color choice too. It will serve you well for a very long time I’m sure!
Worth waiting for! I like the multiple colors in small doses, but single colors really suit my short frame better most of the time. Good choice.
Very pretty. I have just started the edging on this, so I’m further behind you.
Oooooh! It looks SO pretty in a solid color! I think that this has been my most favorite shawl to knit. Never once did I feel bored with any part of it.
Whatever your reasons for waiting, this is one beautiful shawl well worth waiting for! I really love your choice of one color and can imagine how cozy it’s going to feel. Enjoy!
Beautiful! I love it all one color… especially when it’s such a gorgeous color!! Brava!
It’s beautiful Carole. I love the color you chose and I think one color worked well. May it keep you warm on these chilly days!
It’s STUNNING! I love the color and it does look really light and airy. I’ll bet it gets a lot of wear these next few months – enjoy it!
Let’s see it on you!! it is just stunning.
Very beautiful – congrats, and better late than, etc.
That is STUNNING! I joined that KAL too but ended up ripping it out. I didn’t like the way my 2 colors looked together once the 2nd color was finally added and I didn’t have a 2nd skein of of the Skinny Bugga I was using. I have to say that I adore your color. In fact I am knitting a sweater right now in Kim’s Emma base in Through the Looking Glass. It’s such a beautiful color <3
That is beautiful, and I love the color – was even thinking “that looks like a Woolen Rabbit yarn” before I began reading. I’d have bought it twice too. 🙂
Looks great! I finished mine at the end of November.
Bravo! Beautiful . . .
Gorgeous! I am so with you on the one color–too many of the twos look gimmicky instead of elegant and classy like this one.
P.S. You might know that the day I spent no time online would be the debut of this lovely piece of knitting!
So beautiful!
Pretty! I just picked mine up again. I’m on the edging which actually goes surprisingly fast.
Ooooh. I love it. The color is gorgeous (like, I want some gorgeous) and the pattern is very delicate and lovely. I haven’t knit any lace in a long time. Maybe something to add to my 2016 to-do list.