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Dale and I are back from a wonderful trip to Michigan and Chicago and, as usual, I am playing catch up with work, emails, photographs and more. I promise to fill you in on all the fabulous details but for now I will just share this photo with you:

He’s wicked glad we are home.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Vacation is always great, but I’ve always thought an extra few days before to get ready and a few days afterwards to catch up would make it even better. Glad you had a good time and Mason is happy!

  2. We came home from a long vacation once, only to find our (then) Siamese, Sebastian, irate about our absence. He yowled so much that he lost his voice! I see that look in Mason’s eyes…glad you are home, yet hrmph!

  3. Welcome Back! hope the re-entry is calm and peaceful so you have time to give Mason all the attention he clearly expects!

  4. Wicked glad! Love that phrase. Glad you had such a good time – looking forward to hearing all about it. Re-entry never seems easy, does it?

  5. That is the look of a cat that may now commit a bit of mayhem knowing that his food bowl will be well tended. Good luck, and welcome back! You were missed.

  6. I adore your cat, Mason. Why don’t you tell us Ten things you love about your cat? Unfortunately, my husband is allergic to cats so I’m not able to have a furry friend. Glad you’re back!

  7. I thought of poor Mason while you were gone. It would have been a pleasure to give him some attention if I were your neighbor. Welcome home! Looking forward to hearing about all the trouble you got into. 🙂

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