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27 Years!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Eye Candy Friday to bring you this photo, which was taken 27 years ago today. So much joy is captured there and I love remembering this moment.

Happy Anniversary to us and Happy Weekend to you!

Comments (18)

  1. Happy anniversary! Those are the pictures that seem impossibly long ago and like yesterday. Enjoy the memories and your weekend.

  2. Happy anniversary to one of my very favorite couples! Enjoy your day . . . and all the wonderful years to come. XO

  3. I love this photo … and the 15 or so years of those 27 I’ve been here for your story. Happy Anniversary and best wishes for many more! (like one of my older friends likes to say “you’ve had a good beginning”)

  4. Happy Anniversary! Hope you had a fun celebration. (That’s also the day I celebrate my birthday, but I’m not telling which one…..)

  5. How very wonderful for you both! Sharing your life with your best friend is the best that can happen! May there be at least 27 more to come!

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