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Sunday Selfie


Well. Here we are, the last Sunday Selfie post. I can’t say I’m sad to be done with this because blogging can sometimes feel like work and I try very hard not to work on the weekends.

That said, posting a selfie each week has been good for me. Good for me to see myself as I am, maybe even good for you to see me as I am. I try to be completely truthful here and there’s nothing quite as truthful as an unretouched selfie. All those flaws, the wrinkles and curves and grey hairs, they are all right there. But so are the good things, the smiles and smirks, the bright eyes and look of happiness and contentment.

Because, ultimately, that’s my goal: to be happy and content. And I am. Sometimes even when I’m posting a selfie.

Comments (14)

  1. And sometimes those wrinkles and curves, and yes, even grey hairs come from being happy and content with life. A pretty enviable place for a great percentage of the population on Planet Earth. As you can tell, we’re pretty happy with who you are, too. Enjoy your Sunday.

  2. (…and a holiday cup!) I think there’s a special magic to seeing ourselves through the “selfie” lens. you’re beautiful my friend, straight out of the camera!

  3. I agree, what wrinkles?! You love lovely. It is good to see ourselves as we are, and most of us have an impression of ourselves that is not accurate. So, now you know, you look good. Happy Sunday.

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