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Think Write Thursday

The Think Write Thursday topic this week is to write about a tree house hideaway.

I never had a tree house when I was a kid but I did always long for one. With two older brothers, one who teased me a lot, the thought of a place up in a tree that would be all to myself sounded pretty sweet. Frankly, it still does.

If I had a tree house hideaway it would be in my own backyard so that I wouldn’t be too far away and so that it would be easy to visit. It would be up a tree, but not too far up, so that I wouldn’t be afraid while climbing the ladder. And it would be cozy. Oh, so cozy. I’m thinking lots of pillows and cushions on the floor with quilts and twinkle lights and flowers. There would be gauzy white curtains at the windows and there would always be a soft warm breeze and there would never be any bugs. (This is my fantasy, might as well go all the way with it.) There would be piles of books and plenty of knitting projects and even a spinning wheel and some beautiful fiber. I would have art supplies and a journal, too. (It’s a big tree house, work with me here.) There would naturally be a good supply of coffee and wine and snacks. I would mostly be there but would occasionally invite Dale up for a visit. But only occasionally and only by special invitation because this, my friends, is my tree house hideaway.

If you wrote a post for this week’s Think Write Thursday please click the button below to add your link before next Wednesday. If you want to subscribe to the Think Write Thursday weekly email (it’s the only way to get the weekly prompt) please click here.

Comments (13)

  1. Your treehouse hideaway sounds perfect! I’m pretty sure this is why they started promoting those fancy ‘She Sheds’. Or at least why women have embraced them when they can.

    The closest I came to a treehouse hideaway as a kid was claiming the hammock under the big Weeping Willow we had. I read many, many wonderful books there in the summers of my youth.

  2. A perfect dream place! If you have not seen “Tree House Masters” on TV, you should check out some of the amazing places that are being built — you can even rent some (like an Air B&B).

  3. We never had a tree house, but we did build a fort or two on the other side of the ravine in our back yard.

    My cousins in Duluth DID have a tree house, though, and it was endlessly fascinating. My uncle built it high up (or so it seemed at the time) in their backyard between three trees that went THROUGH it! Watching those trees sway in even the smallest breeze was amazing, and something I’ve always been attuned to because of that early experience!

  4. I always wanted a tree house! I settled, instead, for a tent made of blankets slung over the clothesline.

  5. ahhhh, what a dreamy getaway … I’m sure it’s always early summer up there too, right? and little housekeeping elves come when you’re not there to make sure everything is tidy for your next visit. if only …

  6. I’m in love with your dream treehouse hideaway! I want one too!!! 🙂 Especially the gauzy white curtains and no bugs! I would have a beautiful white hammock with crocheted trim and a large icy raspberry lemonade!

  7. Tree houses–such a wonderful fantasy of a world we control (in a good way, of course). There is just something about being up in a tree! As a child, I climbed up to my favorite welcoming branch, book in hand and just enjoyed reading without any noisy younger brothers around!

  8. Your tree house sounds perfect! We built Dan one when he was a kid. More like a tree platform with sides so he wouldn’t fall out but you had to climb to get up there. Good stuff. 🙂

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