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Right Now: April 2019

I’ve got about 5 free minutes to write this blog post . . . let’s see if I can come up with something entertaining and right now-ish.

Reading: The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Knitting: An adorable stuffed bunny. And socks.

Planning: New York City 2.0, this one with Dale and Hannah – next week at this time we will be there.

Sleeping: In our guest room while Dale works on painting the bedroom, etc. It’s cute and cozy, almost like sleeping in a tent with those slanted ceilings we have, but the bed is a full and I’m used to a queen. I’ll be glad when we can move back into our regular space.

Buying: All the things for the bedroom makeover. New sheets, new duvet cover, new curtains,  new pillows. I can’t wait to set it all up!

Choosing: Paint color for the walls in the bedroom. There are so many shades of grey. Certainly more than 50!

Learning: To use this cool new heated hair styling brush. It’s like getting a fresh blow dry but without having to actually wash and blow dry my hair. I love it.

Loving: Amaryllis in April. I’ve had 6 blossoms on Ally already plus there are 2 more stalks growing. The two other bulbs I planted at the same time should have their first blossoms open in a day or two.

Remembering: My brother Donald. Yesterday was the 36th anniversary of his death from a motorcycle accident and, while my grief has certainly lessened over the years, sometimes I’m still overcome with sadness about this loss.

And that’s a wrap!



Comments (16)

  1. You didn’t ask . But I am volunteering a paint color Benjamin Moore gray owl !! It is almost a noncolor if that makes sense . I have it in my entrance way as well as in my bathroom . I love it !!! Good luck !! How exciting

  2. A combination of right now stuff, just like life itself. Glad your bedroom is getting a re-do, especially since you get to do the fun stuff after Dale paints. I’m also glad to hear about your NYC return visit. Loved ones may be gone but are always in our hearts.

  3. It is sooooo much fun to re-do! Your bedroom is going to be so awesome so soon . . . and I’m sure the hassle of sleeping in your guest room will be so worth it. XO
    (Hugs to you, my friend.)

  4. Amaryllis in April! Now there’s the title for a Broadway show tune.

    Sounds like mostly good stuff. And even though it hurts, how sweet to still have fond memories of your brother.

  5. Looking forward to seeing your re-do. And Bonny is right – you get to do all the fun things with it!! NYC next week should be awesome – not too hot, but great weather for walking around. Our loved ones are always with us – sometimes it’s easy and other times not so much.

  6. Fun, fun things! (Well, except that painting – that is just never fun!)

    I am intrigued by your new hair gizmo! (and what fun to head to NYC next week!)

    also, sending you love — always xo

  7. I’ll be interested to hear how you like the book. I read it at the end of last year and was a bit disappointed. I thought it would be better than it was.

    And yes — so many shades of gray when you’re looking at paint colors it’s mind-boggling!

  8. Oooh, can’t wait to see what y’all are up to in NYC next week! Besides having a blast…

    Also can’t wait to see the bedroom reveal!

  9. What a great time you’ll have in NYC! I’m very jel about the room re-do and may finally really insist on pulling the trigger! Hoping your thoughts of Donald brought happy memories to your day.

  10. Sending you hugs. I can’t imagine loosing a sibling. My sister and I aren’t all that close – there’s too many years between us, but I can’t imagine her not being a phone call away.
    Hope you have an excellent NY trip!

  11. Hey, weren’t you the girl that said she was in a rut? LOL You have so much going on all the time, Carole. Room re-do’s are fun, yes? I painted my BR gray a couple of years ago, I think it was called concrete gray from Sherwin Williams. A terrible color name, but I like it on the walls. I was dubious, but gray is very restful. And NYC again so soon! I hope you have a ball!

  12. We went grey in one of our rooms. It was overwhelming with the samples until I found one called knitting needles. Choice made.

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