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Three On Thursday

Today I have 3 memes for you, each for a pretty specific reason.

Number One:

To remind me that librarians are cool no matter what anyone thinks.

Number Two:

To remind myself that being vulnerable is okay.

And, finally, Number Three:

Because this Sunday is Mother’s Day.

Have a fabulous Thursday and remember that laughter is always good for you!

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This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. These are great! I’ll be thinking of the taco one while I celebrate Taco Thursday tonight (It didn’t work out on Tuesday).

  2. Awesome, Carole! how did it get to be Thursday already?! I loved seeing your watercolor from yesterday … pansies, I think? there aren’t many of them left around here.

  3. I’ve always thought librarians were cool, and for none of those reasons.

  4. So funny and so true. Even to this day my boys call to ask Al “where’s mom?”

  5. Hahaha. Rusty made me a mother’s day card a few years ago… drawing of a phone, captioned “Is this Dad?” on the front. Inside: “GET MOM!!” Makes me laugh every time.

  6. I have always thought librarians are very cool for many, many reasons. No memes required!

  7. So taco’s are supposed to fall apart? I only tried them a few times and never realized that. Always felt clumsy.
    And yes, you could say that the analogy works here too. I have a really hard time accepting that I sometimes do fall apart. Thanks for the reminder.
    I love the last one. Kind of miss those days…

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