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Thursday Things

Today I’ve got 3 more pictures from our Wednesday in New York City. And they are all from when we went to see To Kill A Mockingbird. This whole trip was based off Hannah’s request that we all go see this play together and when I was there with Jo-Ann in March I was able to score terrific box seats for the 3 of us. In case I’ve never mentioned it, To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my most favorite books and, because I’ve raised Hannah right and also because I married the perfect person for me, they both agree. We are all also pretty big fans of Jeff Daniels, both from his role in the movie Gettysburg and also from The Newsroom. This is all just a round about way of saying that going to see this play was a no brainer for us.

And it was fabulous. Hannah was so excited she was shaking and Dale was all verklempt and really, it’s just a wonderful wonderful play and unforgettable experience.

So, because we were with our fangirl, we waited outside the stage door for the actors to come out. We saw Jimmy Fallon – who was obviously not in the play but had been in the audience – as well as all of the other actors.

One surprise cast member for us was Dakin Matthews. He played the judge in the play but we have known him for years as Headmaster Charleston from Gilmore Girls. When he came out I urged Hannah to not only get his autograph but to also tell him how much she loved Gilmore Girls. So she did and he immediately stepped back, thrust out his arms to the side, and said in a loud sing-song voice “someone in the fan line said Gilmore Girls!” He then proceeded to pull out a photograph of himself with Alexis Bledel (Rory Gilmore) and Liza Weil (Paris Geller) which he autographed personally for Hannah. It was a terrific moment and he gave her a huge smile and said, “aren’t you glad you said it?”

We waited for Jeff Daniels, of course, and Hannah got his autograph and Dale said to him how much he enjoyed his portrayal of Joshua Chamberlain (one of Dale’s serious Civil War crushes) in the film Gettysburg. While Mr. Daniels wasn’t as excited about the mention of Gettysburg as Mr. Dakin was about the mention of Gilmore Girls he still seemed pleased that Dale brought it up.

And there you have it. Three pictures, with stories, from our night at To Kill A Mockingbird.

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Comments (11)

  1. Wow! We seldom go to NYC, but last fall we did go – to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – and…….JK Rowling was there that night and spoke to the audience!!!! She was miles away on the stage of course, but still. Point of interest – she pronounced cursed as “cursed,” not “curs-ed” as we had been saying.

  2. Headmaster Charleston always scared me a bit, but Dakin Matthews sounds like a great guy! Those are three very cool things and I’m glad all of you got to see To Kill a Mockingbird together and have such a wonderful experience.

  3. Wow. What an amazing evening! I love the pictures – and all the “fan” moments! Even better – you all did this together, making memories that you can talk about for years to come! XO

  4. And how cool was that!?! What an exciting evening, all the way around. Thanks for sharing it! XO

  5. Oh, I am so jealous! It sounds like a really amazing experience, and three cheers for Hannah bringing up Gilmore Girls!

  6. We are big Jeff Daniels fans too. So great that the three of you got to go! (I asked Doug and he didn’t jump for joy but I’ve got other folks!) Hannah must have been so psyched to have a GG connection too. The. Best.

  7. Ooh! I’d have been So excited to meet Headmaster Charleston! I’m a bit of a Gilmore fan. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time! Glad you were able to get some photos & signatures to document it.

  8. Looks like a wonderful night! I am a big Jeff Daniels fan; he seems to be such a genuine person in addition to his talents. This is obviously a perfect evening that none of you will ever forget, so it’s a perfect memory. I’m so glad you have it!

  9. How fun!! I usually see plays now in CT at the Bushnell but when I was in high school many, many years ago, I went with a friend, her sister and mother on a bus trip to NY to see Pirates of Penzance. It starred Maureen McGovern, Treat Williams and Robbie Benson. My friends sister wanted to see Treat Williams and my friend wanted to see Robbie Benson. I don’t think we saw any we recognized other than Robbie Benson but I have a picture somewhere of my friend with him. I don’t think we could hang around any longer as we had to get back to the bus.

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