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Well. I don’t know about how the weekend went for you but for me that one just flew by. Sometimes I think the extra day off makes the weekend feel shorter instead of longer. AmIRight? Here’s a recap, with photos.

There was Friday with Jackie. He’s a fun companion, that’s for sure. I had to run an errand to Home Depot in addition to our regular grocery store trip and Jackie was all in for that. We got back to my house, had lunch (late) and then played until Grandpa got home. So fun.

There was Fondue Date Night for Friday Night Snacks this week. We dipped bread, pretzel nuggets, apples and asparagus into some really great cheese fondue. Delicious and warm and satisfying.

Saturday was spent crafting in the morning (I made myself a shirt for the season) and then in the afternoon we went furniture shopping. I’m happy to report success – we found a couch and two accent chairs that we really love and that we in the budget we had set – and not so happy to report that it will be 7 to 10 weeks until our special order (the chairs, not the couch) is ready for delivery.

All that shopping left us hungry and thirsty and we went out for a really nice dinner at a local place where I had been a month or so ago with Hannah but Dale hadn’t tried yet. Our waitress was friendly and attentive and the food (calamari and Brussels sprouts for apps and a shared plate of carbonara for dinner) was fantastic.

On Sunday we worked in the garden a bit – yanked out the finally dead geraniums and vinca and cut back the other things I hadn’t cut back last month. Dale raked. I came back inside and put on my Christmas movie shirt and the Hallmark Channel. We had a small plate of snacks and meat loaf for dinner. Comfort food season has arrived!

On Monday we walked in our local Veterans Day Parade. I was with my colleagues from town.

And Dale was with our fellow Kiwanians. It was a warm day and the crowds were enthusiastic and it felt great to honor our Veterans by doing this.

We went out to brunch after the parade, made a quick stop at the grocery store, and then spent the rest of the afternoon at home. I read for a bit (The Nickel Boys is excellent) and Dale stacked some firewood. We did some reorganizing in the mudroom together and then I made this sign with the Cricut. It’s perfect for how we love to combine November and December.

I made soup for dinner, we got caught up on TV and then went to bed pretty early because all that weekending really wore us out!

Comments (16)

  1. Jackie, fondue, a parade, along with al the rest of your happenings make for a great long, cozy weekend! (I’m loving the comfort foods!)

  2. It was early to bed for us too last night – so much weekending!! I love the Merry Thanksmas sign – that is just perfect!

  3. I agree that 3 day weekends can be too busy. I am loving having Thursdays as my no work day because it’s just a random day that belongs to me, not an extension of the weekend.

  4. I was in bed at 8pm on Sunday 🙂 early bedtime is one of my favorite things now that the days are short. I LOVE your t-shirt!! Netflix sent me a notice this morning about a new movie called Let It Snow – A snowstorm hits a small town on a cold Christmas Eve, affecting the friendships, love lives and futures of several high school seniors … I told Marc I don’t even NEED the Hallmark Channel!

  5. What a fun weekend. Love the shirt. I’ve been watching the Hallmark Channel a lot. I’ve seen parts of my favorite movie three times so far which surprises me how I am able to flip the channel and catch it.

  6. Now that is a perfect weekend. My husband loves the Hallmark Christmas movies. I wonder if those shirts come in men’s sizes?

  7. I love a fun-filled jam-packed weekend that includes must do’s and some fun things. Love Jack’s hair-I have those days!

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