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One Little Word: December 2019 Update

I simply can’t let the year come to an end without acknowledging and reflecting on my journey with my 2019 One Little Word: story.

I’m pretty sure I say this every year but it was the perfect word for me for the last 12 months. I feel like I truly connected with it on a daily basis, thinking about what I did and did not want to include in my story, whether that meant experiences or people or just the thoughts in my head. I used it to go back and work through some childhood trauma, I used it to reconnect with the idea of blogging and how much it helps me to share my story with all of you, I used it to remind myself to slow down and pay attention to my life.

In January, when I first wrote about this word, I asked:

what’s my story?

how do I tell my story?

what are the stories that impact my life?

Those questions are as relevant now as they were 366 days ago. They remain open ended because my story isn’t finished yet but I have learned so much about what my story is and how I want to tell it. As for that last question, the stories that impact my life are something I can’t always control and predict and that’s a difficult thing for me to accept. But here’s what I’ve learned this year: even when I can’t control my story, I can always choose how I respond to it.

Since I started choosing a word for the year my words have been: joy, grace, shine, peace, kind, and story. Of those words, joy and peace have truly stayed with me in a very meaningful way and I still reflect on them frequently. I am now adding story to that list because I know it will continue to guide me.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. I’m so happy that your word was such a meaningful and helpful one on your journey over the year and I have learned from you over the year as well through your sharing.

    My world should have been easy, but it was not and I will write about it tomorrow, but it was a learning experience as well. I think I am going to incorporate Sparkle into every work going forward..ha!!

    Love you my friend!

  2. We love that you share your story with us each and every day. And that end of story ever! (And she will continue to do so!)

  3. I love that you embraced your word for the year and looked at it as a work in progress. I hope you’ll continue to carry story with you in the year(s) ahead. You have a great attitude toward your own story!

  4. Thank you again and again for how you have shared your story in this space. You have inspired me to dig deeper and document my own story and the story of the people I love. Happy new year Carole. My life has been enriched by your words this year.

  5. Carole

    Thank you for sharing your “story” this past year. I love the idea of your one word year.

    Here’s to 2020 and your new word!



  6. Sometimes the words we choose . . . really connect! I find that some of my words stick with me forever (and some not so much). I’m so glad STORY was one of those words for you. XO

  7. At least as a friend and blog reader I feel “story” was a perfect word for you. You have opened your heart and taught us the power of connection to others and to ourselves.

  8. happy sigh … I love that these words have such a powerful impact on us and the sharing this year has added much to my journey. Thank you.

  9. I didn’t appreciate the power of “story” when you first said that this was your chosen word for the year. Over the course of the year, you have taught me so much about how to use this framework to change my view of my own journey, and I want to thank you for that. Your willingness to share your story has helped me think more about my own story, Carole.

  10. Story has really been present in your life this year and all the ways you’ve shared your story in posts this year. I respect, admire, and appreciate your honesty and your story!

  11. You’ve definitely re-defined the meaning of “story” as your OLW. Here’s to 2020 and what it has in store for you as you continue writing your story.

  12. Story was my word several years ago…this post invites me to revisit as well as update it! Looking ofrward to your 2020 word.

  13. You word was inspiring to all this year Carole – I love how you shared your story, even the hard parts! I am excited to see what your new word will be!

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