I've had a month to attempt being fearless and I have not, in fact, been…
One Little Word Update: Delight, April 2024
Friends, I couldn’t tell you what the prompt was for this month because I never looked at the documentation. What I did instead was look for delight in the ordinary moments. And I found it frequently.
I found it when I gathered with coworkers to watch the eclipse.
I found it when I sat in my studio and updated my Hobinichi weeks.
I found it when Fred & George snuggled on my lap in the morning before work.
I found it when I reset my house every evening before bed, clearing the kitchen counters, fluffing the pillows on the couch, and putting away the detritus of the day.
I found it when I got a hug from Jackie.
I found it when I saw in my glider and read.
I found it when I sat down with my knitting.
I found it when Hannah texted me and invited us for family dinner.
I found it in mornings when I woke up on my own and not to an alarm.
I found it in daffodil blossoms and grape hyaciths and tulips.
Turns out . . . delight is just about everywhere.
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Sometimes the prompts inspire, and sometimes we don’t even need any prompts! It sounds like you found delight in so many wonderful ways, Carole! XO
Lovely delights! And you are correct, you can find delight just about everywhere.
I don’t know how anybody with pets manages to leave the house! I have been cat-sitting Nugget at her house and I felt delight every time she purred and sat with me. You have had quite a delightful month!
I just love that the prompt was completely irrelevant for you this month because you found delight everywhere you looked! Clearly this is an excellent word for you, and hope you continue to find delight all around.
Perfectly delightful!
So much delight … if only you take the time to notice it!
All. Of. This! This is the perfect post, Carole! Thank you so much for sharing the delight of daily living! XO