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Eye Candy Friday

When it comes to planting bulbs for the spring I tend to procrastinate and grumble. Last fall, though, with Dale’s help, I planted over 100 bulbs in our front yard.

I had no idea back then how much joy these would bring me.

Have a healthy weekend, friends!

Comments (12)

  1. Oh, yes. It’s always such a CHORE to plant bulbs in the fall, but in the spring???? SUCH MAGIC! (And this spring . . . even more than usual.) I’m so glad you planted them, Carole — and I’m so glad they’re bringing you joy now. XO

  2. Those daffodils are certainly pulling their weight in the “joy and promise” category at the moment. Thank Past You for me, ok?

    Enjoy the weekend!

  3. You and the Little Red Hen! What perfect timing, Carole. I hope they bring lots of smiles and joy in this time when we really need them. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. I hope you’re really appreciating all that effort right now. You couldn’t have known how much you’d need all those cheerful flowers, but I’m sure they’re a real joy now!

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